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Monday, March 28, 2011

It snowed this morning

Eight days into spring, and it snowed this morning here in north-central North Carolina. Not only that but it was coming down at a great clip and for awhile was sticking to the ground!

Here are some photos that I took around 8:45 a.m. today...

I was flying back from a wedding in Florida several years ago, in early April. It was snowing in Greensboro then as we touched down. And I've also seen it snow on the Fourth of July in nearby Caswell County. But this is the most snow that I've seen fall this late.

Pretty, ain't it? :-)

EDIT 10:45 a.m. EST: It's now a quarter-til 11 a.m. and the snow is still falling! Not as hard as it was earlier but, it still provides a nice ambiance.


Anonymous said...

Please kindly ship your snow NORTH to me, where it belongs. We have been cold enough for snow, but not gotten any. NOT FAIR that NC gets it!

Marc said...

Where are these pics taken? Do you live across the road from a farm? Is it your parents property?

Chris Knight said...

Yup! These were taken at my parents' home (where I'm living for the time being). That farm across the road is the one we used to operate.

I milked many a cow - some the old-fashioned way - in that barn :-)