Monday, March 07, 2011

Popcorn Sutton moonshine still for sale on eBay!

For $20,000 you could be the proud owner of this authentic moonshine still designed, built and no doubt USED by Popcorn Sutton for the brewing of his famous likker!

Here's the link to the item's eBay page. And here's the official description...

Up for sale is a genuine Copper Moonshine Still that was used by the legendary Popcorn Sutton of the appalachians. This item is being sold for historical purposes only, not for actual use. This still is 45-50 years old and has a 110 gallon pot!

Any additional questions please call about this rare and highly collectible item.

Rare and collectible, indeed!! I would love to own this... or anything that was the handiwork of Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton: a character who was truly an American original.

Tip o' the hat to Eric Smith for an awesome find!!


  1. This still could NOT have been designed and built by Popcorn unless Popcorn built it when he 14 years of age. It is well established Popcorn started moonshining while in his mid 30's.

  2. Popcorn said he was drinking when he was six yrs old. I just watched the Moonshine series on discovery. He talked about starting out in the moonshine business when he was very young. I myself don't have a clue when he started. I'm just passing along what he said on the show. May he RIP!

  3. I just wish he would have taught me his recipe, I'd keep the tradition alive, Popcorn was the best there ever was.

  4. Popcorn told me that he did build this one.

  5. all i can say is i wish i could have known the man and sat up in the hills with him wile he made that shine and had a few drinks with the man he wont be forgot

  6. I wish i could have met him myself!!! Sure would have been nice to sip on his likker!!!

  7. I am Pam Suttons nephew born and raised in maggie nc, I can tell you right now that that is not popcorns still, he made only one mudd pot copper still and it belongs to Jamie Grosser who owns J and M Concepts who owns all the rights to popcorns moonshine, he left his coppper pot in a will to Jamie Grosser who was a motorcross champion.

  8. I would have loved to sit with that man for days on end just to here what he had to say,and to learn from the best. Loved that man

  9. Popcorn used a mud furnace still this is a pass-through burner type still. It's amazing the lies people will tell to make a dollar and and at the cost of a deceased man's reputation a man who lent so much to the art of making corn whiskey.

  10. I bought two stills from popcorn, one was a smaller replica for decor only, the other is bigger and I have no idea if it was ever used by him but he did offer to sell us a burner with it which we did not do. Someone stole our decorative one but we still have the large one. We also bought shine from him. He was fascinating to listen to. My mom would stop by just to chat, she loved her picture with him.
