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Monday, October 24, 2011

Finally got my iPad 2 updated to iOS 5

The initial rush by everyone to update to iOS 5 along (has there ever been a file so large downloaded by so many at the same time?) with other factors kept me from upgrading my precious iPad to iOS 5 until this afternoon. But now that I've got it loaded... wowzers!!

The split keyboard alone is enough to compel me to tip my hat to the good folks at Apple. I'm also discovering that there are some new features on the camera (well, new to me anyway). Didn't have any problems updating: many people reported that stuff like contacts info etc. became lost during their own update procedures but happily, that time seems to have passed (something about how Apple's iTunes servers couldn't validate properly with all those folks attempting to install simultaneously).

Meanwhile I'm considering getting my first-ever smartphone, an iPhone 4S. Don't know if that means I'm officially "dumb" now or what... :-P


William said...

Sweet - I'm planning on getting the iPad 2 once the next model comes out to take advantage of the price drop. I picked up the 4S as my second smartphone after getting tired of fighting with Android and the sporadic updates for my model. Love it so far.

You'll probably take more advantage of the camera than I do. Pretty amazing quality for a phone camera.

Chris Knight said...

My iPad has come in EXTREMELY handy in the months since I've had it! Everything from getting much-needed info on the spot while traveling, to blogging from remote locations (something I had never done before), to letting me read novels and comic books while staying overnight with a sick relative in the hospital.

You're gonna love it :-)