Monday, December 26, 2011

Our first Christmas together

Still on my traditional holiday break but I couldn't resist sharing this photo from yesterday of Kristen and I on our first Christmas as boyfriend/girlfriend! :-)

Incidentally, plans had to be changed and so we weren't able to watch this year's Doctor Who Christmas special, "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" together. But since we'll be together again tomorrow (for our six-month anniversary, yay!!) we're gonna catch it from DVR then and I'll post a review soon after.

In the meantime, hope y'all are still enjoying some Christmas :-)


  1. I have watched God bring you far this year Chris. He is going to bring you much farther in 2012. I know He is. And you have a beautiful girl to be with you on the journey! You are blessed to have each other :)

    SP from RC

  2. What a beautiful photo!
