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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

DOCTOR WHO Season 7/33 first trailer!

Lookee what popped up on the Intertubes while I was unconscious yesterday! The first trailer for Season 7 (or Season 33, if we're counting all the seasons since 1963) of Doctor Who...

Not much, but still nice. Wondering if they filmed this Western-ish episode back in the U.S., like last year's mind-blowing "The Impossible Astronaut"/"Day of the Moon" two-parter.

And doesn't that town look more than a smidgeon like Hill Valley circa 1885 from Back To The Future Part III? Maybe we're gonna finally get that Doctor/Marty McFly fight that we've always fantasized about...


Lee Shelton said...

Can't wait!

Geoff Gentry xforce11 said...

Looking forward to it. You could say Season 7 or Series 33 (That is what the U.K. calls a season).