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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Kristen's Love-ly haircut

I'm spending Thanksgiving with Kristen at her house, along with her family. And as all two of this blog's regular readers well know I go crazy with deep-frying turkey every year for this holiday (and usually Christmas also). That means starting about a day and a half before time to fry, getting the bird all juiced-up with marinade.

So yesterday afternoon, after the third round of injection and putting Cajun rub all over the turkey, I decided to take a little nap. Kristen had gone out to do "some errands" after work. I was still asleep when she returned.

She woke me up. And that's when I saw her shocking new hairdo...

She's never had it that short before! But it was all for a great cause: Locks of Love. It's a nonprofit group devoted to making hairpieces for children who have lost their natural hair due to disease, chemotherapy etc. So Kristen not only got a stylish new 'do, she is making some good kids really happy.

It's still gonna take me awhile to get used to it though... :-P

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