Found this on Facebook and it was too good not to share...
Just more proof that if you study the Bible hard enough, if you want to find something, you can find sanctioning for just about ANYTHING in it!
Okay, in all seriousness: I know and would dare say most everyone else knows that the Bible does not condone sexual immorality or drug abuse. But scriptures can... and indeed have... been twisted by selectively choosing out of context and inane literalism to create beliefs and doctrines that have no merit and indeed do not exist from study of the Bible as a whole.
No matter where you're coming from though, that graphic is still funny :-)
I caught what you did there. Naughty-naughty ;)
Brian, Caswell Co
Why, what ever could you be referring to? :-P
Funny? Maybe in a juvenile, snickering kind of way. You're better than this, Chris.
ok...the graphic did make me smirk...
in my search for similar blog content I stumbled across yours. I have written on the bible and drug use
and the bible and same sex attraction here
check out the posts if you would like.
have a good one
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