Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do you think Jennifer is angry at Michael?

An actual LED billboard this afternoon on Battleground Avenue in Greensboro, North Carolina...

Billboard on Battleground Avenue, Michael, Jennifer, Jessica, cheating heart, marriage, infidelity, Chad Tucker, WGHP, Fox 8

Tip o' the hat and credit due to journalist Chad Tucker of Fox 8 WGHP, who posted this on Facebook a short while ago!


  1. I saw that today coming down Battleground! Its not fake its really there.

  2. It has to be real, there are too many photos of it now. I haven't personally seen it but I'm gonna be in Greensboro tomorrow anyway and if it's still up I'll take a photo of it.

    This thing has caused at least one car wreck so far. It's also NON-rotating: Jennifer's message to Michael stays put.

    Suffice it to say, a lot of people are talking about this tonight :-P

  3. Yup, it's real.

  4. Is everyone who is crashing named Mike?

  5. I knew it was fake when I saw "Nikon camera..." it's 2013 who buys Nikon anymore? it's Canon all the way baby!
