Hey gang, hope y'all are having a Happy Easter! It's also my
birthday, muhahahahaha!! So along with my girlfriend Kristen being here
to celebrate, we had the return of Doctor Who last night, and then tonight it's the season finale of The Walking Dead and the season premiere of Game of Thrones. Have the stars aligned for this geek, or what?! :-)
then there's the positvalutely ginormous hollow chocolate Easter bunny
that she got from me this morning. Still can't compare to the Doctor
Who Yahtzee she gave me: at last a TARDIS toy of my very own!!)
this being Easter, the day which we remember the life of Jesus Christ
and the sacrifice He made to set us free from the bondages of this
fallen realm so that we may have the life abundant, I felt led to share
something special with y'all...
I have been very thankful and blessed to have Bethany Myers as a dear friend and sister in Christ. Bethany is an amazingly gifted young woman who has been bestowed with remarkable talent as a choralist, instrumentalist and songwriter. A few days ago Bethany began uploading some of her performances on audio hosting site SoundCloud. The first of her songs that I was asked to check out is "He's Alive". I thought it was a very beautiful composition and well worth passing along on this blog! So I wanna invite my readers to click on over and enjoy "He's Alive" by Bethany Myers.
And if you want to listen to more of Bethany's work, here is her main page on SoundCloud. Discover her now... before she lands a major recording contract! :-)
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