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Thursday, January 09, 2014

Life versus religion

A thought I've been contemplating the past few weeks...

Christ did not come to establish any religion.

Christ came so that we could have life, and life abundantly.

Religion and having pride in it is the destroyer of life.  It chokes life, keeps life from taking root and thriving.

Christ came to give us life, not patterns of worship.  He came to fulfill the law, not to replace the law with unduly onerous more law.

If you want to find where the kingdom of God exists on this earth, look for the joy and not the constraints. Look for the laughter, and not the pride.

Look for the life, not the religion.


Anonymous said...

Such a deep, well-reasoned argument by the above anonymous poster. I will now have to rethink my entire outlook on life.

Anonymous said...

Your "God" gave you a diseased brain. Your "God" doesn't give you real job. Your "God" took your marriage away. Your "God" took your woman away. Your "God" made your life a pathetic meaningless mess worth shit.

You are an idiot to believe in "God" just like the comment said. "God" is imaginary like your retarded delusionable mind.

Anonymous said...

For starters, I think you incorrectly assumed that I am Chris as I posted anonymously. This is not the case.

Now, on to the main points of your "argument". I fail to see what a posting that says being too religious in ceremony and tradition can cause one to not enjoy life to its fullest has to do with the personal attacks against Chris and his faith. Nothing in your reply has anything to do with the post being discussed.

It is your choice to not believe as Chris does. There are things he posts that I don't always agree with. However, you choosing to not believe in God doesn't mean you sit behind a keyboard and make personal attacks against someone that does. I respect your right and decision that Christianity and God are not for you. My faith is not your faith.

I simply don't understand why you choose to come to this blog in the first place. Obviously, you are not a fan of the author and you have major issues with his faith that there is more to life and beyond than what we see here. Personally, would it not be better for you in general to not come here and get worked up over someone not sharing your same world view?

Anonymous said...

If we desire to know what Jesus taught, we have to look back into the words He fulfilled. The joy and peace He taught is not as the world counts it - it's as God wills it. Being "free" in Christ is not liberty to pick and choose what makes us feel good or happy, being free is free from lies and falsehoods. See Isaiah 42. How many are trapped in "prison holes" of false doctrine and false religion or no religion at all? Jesus is the living Torah of God, and as He said, "Follow Me."

Kelly C said...

Guess you'll find out who the idiot is the day you take your last breath. Amen to all you said, Chris!! Couldn't agree more. Religion is man-made and Satan uses it to create conflict and we as humans are too stupid to realize it and fall into his trap. Btw....I think it amazing and a blessing that God uses you and your trials to show His grace is sufficient! God bless you!!

Anonymous said...

How long have you been a Christian Chris? Now think about it, how many things ended up good in your life since you started being a Christian? Getting divorced and mental illness doesn't seem like God has your back buddy. Stop following dead Jesus and take control of your own life. You owe it to your self to be happy. You won't have it praying to something that can't hear you.

SP said...

God can't hear you because you aren't in Christ. Have you heard, believed, confessed, repented, been baptized for remission of sins? You an enemy of the Lord's church and Chris until you enter into Christ through his body you are condemned. Your prayers aren't going past the ceiling until you repent and are baptized for remission of sins. When you stop preaching false doctrine like you do then only God will hear you.

SP said...

Repent of false doctrine Chris!

Jessica Britton said...

Between the cowardly "anonymous" and the holier than thou "SP", I can't decide who's the most repugnant...

Jessica Britton

Patrick said...

Jessica you are right and "anonymous" and "SP" aren't only repugnant but they're ignorant. It's hilarity that both say Chris isn't a Christian because he wasn't baptized when Chris wrote about baptism five years ago.

"Meditation on Baptism" by Christopher Knight, February 2009

Stacey M said...

Just a note... Becoming a believer of Christ does not mean that everything will be perfect in your life... Bad things will still happen... For some people when they start to follow Christ, Satan will attack them all the more...