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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Book report: What is old is new again

Some developments since the last time I posted about how my writing project is going...
  • The original title of the book, which then became another title by changing one word, is now the title once more.
  • Manuscript is now hovering around 73,000 words.  It's going to hit the 75,000 mark that I've aimed for since starting writing this!  But still a lot more work to go.
  • There are now two definite "parts" to the book completed.  I just began writing Part 3.  As things stand now there will probably be five parts, and an epilogue.
  • Each part has a title.
  • The parts are separated by theme, not necessarily by span of time.  Whereas Part 1 covers many years, Part 2 encompasses about 18 months... but those are 18 crazy months.  Lord willing that this gets published you'll understand why.
  • I just began writing stuff specifically for Part 3.
  • The book's original prologue eventually became the ending of what is now Part 3.  In the past few days however it has shifted around and now it's the very first chapter of Part 3!
  • Some of the very first chapters that I wrote will wind up making up the bulk of Part 4.  Again, if this gets published you'll see why that is.
  • It now looks as though I'll have a finished product this time next month.  'Course, I was saying that last month at this time too.
  • I've discovered that I do some of my best writing while hopped-up on Mountain Dew and Fire sauce from Taco Bell (usually 4-5 packs per each soft taco).
  • Have also discovered that I do some of my best writing while wearing a button-up shirt open with a gray t-shirt beneath, with music playing from my iPad nearby (lately it's been a lot of Lindsey Stirling especially her album Shatter Me).
  • There have been other developments, which I am keeping close to vest for the time being.

I had no idea writing a book could be so much fun!  I may have to do another one sometime :-)


Kate said...


I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder a couple of years ago and it has made my life hell. You have become a big part of the encouragement that I have sought and I need to thank you for everything you have done about having this disorder. Your book is going to be amazing! I'm going to buy at least 4 or 5 copies, for myself and others. I'm enjoying reading about how it's progressing while you write.

God bless!

Chris Knight said...

Thank you, Katie.

Throughout the course of this project and especially in recent weeks, I have come to rely on the encouragement of others tremendously. And especially the prayers. This really has entered into a phase where it seems every step I take is increasingly becoming an ordeal. My own mind is working against me once again but this time there are things it is trying to keep me from confronting. Some very painful and grief-filled memories. For the first time in my life I have encountered a mental blocking mechanism against trauma. The trauma of others, and the trauma of myself.

This may be what soldiers returning from war experience as post-traumatic stress disorder. If it is, I am understanding what they go through more than I could ever have possibly done before.

Parts 1 and 2 are for the most part done, with the exception of one finishing touch to each that you'll find if (there's that word again, "if" when my friends keep trying to convince me it's "when" but we'll see :-) it's published. Part 3 is off to a strong start. Part 4 has a LOT done already. Part 5 is virgin territory, but I know what it'll look like.

Katie, again, thank you for the kind words. They help more than you know.