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Comments and opinions expressed on THE KNIGHT SHIFT are those of Christopher Knight and not necessarily those of subjects discussed in this blog, of advertisers appearing on it or of any reasonable human being. Any correspondence/irate letters/lawsuit threats/Nigerian e-mail scams can be sent to
"Of my friend, I can only say this: Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human."
-- James T. Kirk, eulogizing Spock. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Leonard Nimoy
1931 ~ 20...
During last night and into early this morning, a huge swath of the state got blanketed with 4-8 inches of snow. Here's how it looked at my house around 7:30 this morning.
Behold her beautiful singing voice!
Been too long since I've posted any pics of Tammy. I happened to catch her right in the midst of one of her yawns (which, it must be said, sound hilariously cute):
Disclaimer: I have yet to see Disney's Frozen, so I have no idea about how extensive Elsa's criminal activities go. I'm assuming they are pretty pervasive, given how much I've heard it talked about by numerous children I've found myself around.
Just days after police in Harlan, Kentucky issued a warrant for her arrest, Queen Elsa was located this morning all the way...
The Walking Dead may have jumped the shark tonight.
I'm not the only one with that estimation. Many others are expressing the same thing.
This show has gone political, and far too blatantly so.
This episode had one and only one purpose. It was one scene. A scene designed to throw something into the face of viewers. And that's all that this episode was meant to do.
I don't care for that no matter what one's persuasion may...
This is the first installment of something that I've had in mind to do for a few years now. I think this is going to be a fun new feature of The Knight Shift.
Here's the deal: my DVR is loaded... and I mean loaded... with movies that for some reason or another I've never watched before in my entire life. They've just been sitting there, waiting for me to take...
Catherine Rose and her daughter Alexis
It is an honor and a privilege to be able to say that I have been able to count Catherine Rose among the friendships that I have made through this journey in life. She and I were in high school together and shared many conversations back and forth from our swim meets. Catherine is, literally, one of the most powerhouse...
The realization has been growing in the past several weeks and months that I have not written much of the kind of serious material that I used to do.
Okay, not exactly true. There have been dozens upon dozens of pages of written work that I have been producing, for the past nine months. But it hasn't seen the light of day because it's all for the book I'm writing about having manic-depression.
(Well, that isn't exactly true either. ...
Holy cow, this is a SERIOUS dream of mine come true! For literally decades I've been saying that there needs to be an entry in the Alien franchise
that picks up after Aliens and totally ignores that Alien 3, Alien Resurrection
etc. ever happened.
And now it's actually happening!!
It began two months ago when Neil Blomkamp (director of District 9 and the upcoming...
So, I've never watched AMC's series Breaking Bad.
Okay, I take that back. I've watched half of one episode, and it looked pretty good. Made me want to see more of it. Everyone who I've mentioned to has raved about this show. Has told me "Chris what the %&@$ is wrong with you, this is the best series ever!!" or words to that effect.
Someday, sooner than later (it'll have to wait until at least after the book is finished)...
It's been some time since I posted any classic Sesame Street material. Need to get better about that.
Well anyway, here from 1971 or so it's the very timeless "Ladybugs' Picnic"!
Few items of interest about this clip. Firstly, that's legendary muppeteer Jerry Nelson singing, with fellow muppet operator Richard Hunt playing the kazoo.
And it's also worth noting that this was animated by Bud Luckey, who is currently an animator at Pixar....
Late last night I finished another chapter for my book about having mental illness and specifically bipolar disorder. So depending on how you figure it, that's three chapters I've done in the past few weeks. Three chapters done since I picked up the project again in the wake of Dad's death.
In all honesty, I never expected to have come this far along, so fast. I don't know if I could have before now. Maybe I had to go through...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has come out with a commercial for his campaign (and the Likud party) and... well, it's pretty gosh-darn brilliant no matter who you are! A couple expects a babysitter and instead they get a "Bibi-sitter". Check it out:
I understand that there is some play-on-words here that will probably go unnoticed by most English-only speakers. F'rinstance, when they mention "carpets" that's also Israeli...
I think... I think... that Chapter 23 is in a form which I can be content with.
I refuse to say "comfortable with". There is nothing comforting about this chapter. This has been difficult to write because it is becoming very painful to write about some things. Indeed, at the moment I'm trying to take steps to help more accurately convey what was happening at that point in my life.
Chapter 23 has been rough, to put it mildly.
We will soon have a TARDIS officially rendered in LEGO...
That pic is just the proof of concept from two guys who submitted their design through the LEGO Ideas page and have had it approved. The actual sets will probably look somewhat different. But even so... we're getting BBC-approved Doctor Who LEGO sets y'all!!
Nerd Approved has a lot more about this...
It's The Weird Spinning Head of Chris Knight!
That's from 1998. It was on my personal websites for a long time. "Weird" Ed helped me make it: he snapped the photos with a film camera while I sat in his office chair and rotated around to get the various angles. Then after getting the pics developed I scanned 'em and then put them together with GIF Construction Set.
sigh... ...