Wow. Blink and you miss it. Seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the last normal holiday season before the COVID plague hit. And that was three entire years ago."Time keeps on slipping into the future..."This past year was a frustrating one, in too many ways. For me, it was that so much corruption has become obvious in our society and government. I used to believe that we could do something to change that. ...
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Sunday, December 11, 2022
Status of the book, December 2022
Three months ago I posted here that I had begun work anew on the book that has been percolating in my gray matter since 2014. That was when Dad told me I should write about my struggles with bipolar disorder. He thought it could be inspirational to others.And then of course, Dad passed and that knocked me off my feet. And since then a lot has happened: the journey across America, new career and then changing career (and now, again),...
Sunday, November 20, 2022
I have watched Weird: The Al Yankovic Story twice

And so help me, this is the funniest thing I've seen all year.When I first heard of Weird: The Al Yankovic Story what came to mind most was "Daniel Radcliffe?!?" But he did not phone it in at all. Radcliffe plays Weird Al with energy and conviction and of course beaucoups of hilarity. The rest of the casting is spot-on perfect too, especially Rainn Wilson...
Sunday, November 06, 2022
BEING BIPOLAR, Part Eleven: A Weekend with Mania

Being Bipolar is a series that began in the winter of 2011. It is an occasional look at what it is to live with bipolar disorder... which some still refer to as manic depression. A new chapter is posted whenever this blogger feels that the time is ripe for a further examination. In doing this I try to be as honest and forthcoming as possible, within...
Thoughts about this Tuesday's elections
So... what's my take on what will happen two days from now at the polls here in the United States?The Democrats are going to get pounded. They have basically become the party of three things: Hate Trump, wasteful spending, and promoting what can only be described as child pornography (especially the "transgender" madness). They believe that anger over Roe v. Wade getting overturned is going to be enough to energize whatever base they...
Friday, October 21, 2022
New Substack post: Why I will NOT be applying for student loan relief
Just posted a new article on my Substack. Several times this past week I've been asked if I'm applying for President Biden's student loan relief program.And every time I've said no.Those were MY student loans. I took them out. They're for me to make good on. Not the government.One day, I will have them paid in full. And it will not be with any "help" from Biden.Here's the link to the article.Bipolar disorder cost me careers,...
Wednesday, October 05, 2022
Some new writing this past week
I like to think that I'm getting my mojo back as a writer. This past week saw four articles of mine getting published on a couple of outlets. That's a bunch more than I'd previously been capable of writing. Maybe I'm finally getting adjusted to both bipolar disorder and the medication to treat it. Especially the meds. Can't escape feeling like they've sapped a lot of ability out of me these past several years.But for...
Monday, September 26, 2022
I'm now writing for The Western Journal

The Western Journal is a Christian news and commentary website that I've respected for a number of years now. And I am very honored that they have published my first article for it. Hopefully, one of many more to come.The article is in regard to a VERY ridiculous lawsuit that fast-food giant McDonald's has been hit with, for $10 billion in damages. Seems...
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Two million visits!

It indeed pleases me to report that in the past hour, The Knight Shift has registered its TWO MILLIONTH VISITOR since the meter first activated in September 2004!Thank you everyone, for making my humble little blog so well visited. And I shall try to continue to make it worth your while to come here ...
Thursday, September 08, 2022
Elizabeth II has passed

There were fifteen prime ministers, many James Bonds, four Beatles, and thirteen Doctor Whos... but there was only one Queen.Thinking of her family and this blog's friends throughout the Commonwealth, on this sad occasi...
Tuesday, September 06, 2022
Back to work on my book
Dad wanted me to write a book, about my life with bipolar disorder. He thought it would serve as an inspiration for others. He was really proud of how I had gone forward with having a mental illness, how I was trying to use my experience with it to help others. I like to think he would be proud still of my work the past three and a half years at a state department of mental health, where I've been employed as a peer support specialist. ...
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Death of a Newspaper: What happened to the News & Record?

Margaret Moffett is a journalist's journalist, and I would say that even if I had not known her for quite many years now. She has brought her enormous talent to bear wherever she has gone, whether it was at The Reidsville Review (when we first met) or at the Greensboro News & Record, where she was reporter and editor of a number of sections. She has earned...
Sunday, August 21, 2022
New Substack: Words of dire warning about transsexuality
Just made a new post on my Substack at I don't know who originally wrote this. But I found it this morning and it resonated greatly with me in regard to some things I've seen firsthand about transsexuality. It is with a seething rage that I am witnessing what is being done to kids in the name of "gender fluidity". The youth are being told lies and getting persuaded to do irreparable harm to...
Tuesday, August 09, 2022
People in Poland are cosplaying as Americans and the results are INSANE

Apparently, there are still good things about America. And these Polish people know it. So much so that a bunch of them have been live-action role-playing (LARP) as Americans. Specifically, Americans in small-town Ohio. And what has come of it is completely bonkers!Vice has the story of the Polish LARPers, who were inspired in part by shows like Stranger...
Saturday, August 06, 2022
Am two episodes into Netflix's adaptation of The Sandman and...

...maybe I should give it time to still prove itself?The Sandman from Netflix is attempting to pull off what most of us have deemed impossible: adapting the classic graphic novel written by Neil Gaiman, into a television/motion picture format. This has been a project about a quarter century in development, going from one set of hands to another. I've been...
Friday, August 05, 2022
No, I do not "hate" anyone LGBT

Sigh...I shouldn't have to make this post. But as it seems how EVERYTHING today is supposed to be qualified, quantified, factionalized and most especially sexualized...Contrary to what some have claimed, I do not now nor have I ever harbored any kind of hatred toward those who have chosen the homosexual lifestyle. Or who are bisexual. Or transsexual. ...
Monday, July 25, 2022
"Slouching Towards Fantasyland": My new article at American Thinker

American Thinker, a site I often go to for insight and commentary, this morning published my latest piece for them. This essay addresses the leftist fantasies about so-called "green energy" and eliminating emissions.From the article:And then there are other considerations about the fallout from the
failed fantasy. Which would you rather have in an emergency,
say, evacuating...
Saturday, July 23, 2022
New post on Substack, about "groomers"
Still getting the hang of Substack, which may be a suitable repository for my more "political" essays. This evening it's a post about the word "groomer", which has suddenly become quite unpopular on Reddit and other social media sites. It is the belief of this blogger however that groomer is exactly the precise word to describe pedophiles who are determined to corrupt children...My honeymoon with Twitter these past few months may soon...
Thursday, July 21, 2022
PBS documentary The Last One - about moonshiner Popcorn Sutton - is now on YouTube

The legend of Popcorn Sutton lives on! Thirteen years after he tragically left us, Sutton is definitely not forgotten. The "last of the old time moonshiners" has been the basis of many an Internet meme and last month was the now-annual Popcorn Sutton Jam in east Tennessee. The man was the subject of a recent book packed with photos. And word has it...
Sunday, July 17, 2022
BEING BIPOLAR, Part Ten: Anatomy of a Depressive Episode

Being Bipolar is a series that began in the
winter of 2011. It's an occasional attempt to explore aspects of the
life of a person with manic-depression, or bipolar disorder if you will. It's never meant to be a regular feature of The Knight Shift.
It comes along whenever "the time is nigh" for another installment is called for. In this series I do...
Monday, July 11, 2022
Internet Archive has EVERY issue of Starlog for your reading pleasure

Okay, this has apparently been up for a decade or so already but only now am I learning that Internet Archive has a collection of EVERY issue of Starlog: that tome of science-fiction goodness that many of us savored every month. Originally devoted to keeping the embers of Star Trek burning in those years between the original series and the movies, Starlog soon expanded...
Monday, July 04, 2022
Stranger Things and me

On July 1st I was having a severe headache, that had persisted since the night before. I went home early from work and took some medicine and quietly prayed that I would be feeling better soon. Because I did not want to miss volume two of the fourth season of Stranger Things on the day that it had dropped onto Netflix.I haven't written nearly enough about Stranger...
Friday, June 24, 2022
Roe v Wade... is DEAD!

Today is the REAL "Juneteenth".Behold the wild celebration outside the United States Supreme Court a few hours ago, as pro-life activists uncorked the champagne and raised a toast to the overturning of Roe v Wade:This gentleman is Scott Stewart. He is the Solicitor General for the state of Mississippi. He is the attorney who argued before the Supreme Court that...