100% All-Natural Composition
No Artificial Intelligence!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

We The People Bible: One of the most terrible products I've seen lately

This post is going to honk a lot of people off, probably.  Whether it cuts one way or another.  I know and accept that.First of all, the older I've gotten the more I have come to understand something.  Mainly, that the republican form of government that the Founders gave us in the Constitution of the United States is ideal only for a people who believe in something...

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Seems appropriate

Ten-thirty on a warm July evening... &nb...

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Haven't done a "Tammy Tuesday" in awhile

For some time I was posting new pics of my miniature dachshund Tammy every Tuesday.  It's been a fair bit since I've done that.  But it just so happened that I caught a really good snapshot of her this afternoon while I was working at the desk in my living room.  I was eating some crackers and she insisted that I pay her the "cracker tax" (there's also the "chicken...

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Had an interview tonight...

 ...and I hadn't gotten a haircut since January.  What can I say?  I've been busy on multiple fronts.  But I needed some fine coiffing before this evening.Here's how it came out, along with what my "office space" looks like most of the time:Among the items in the background: my Eagle Scout medal.  Poster of Vault Boy from the Fallout game series. ...

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

I've waited 32 years for this day

I should probably preface what you're about to see with something.  For the past few months, well...There's really no other way to put it: I've lost my interest in Star Wars.I can't finger any one particular reason why.  But what Disney has done with the franchise, what Disney has done period, is a major factor in that.  I find myself no longer able to support...

Wednesday, July 05, 2023

Found my first op-ed article for my college's newspaper

The other night I was trying to locate something regarding my alma mater Elon University (though it was still "Elon College" when I was there).  During the search I came upon something truly wonderful: an archive of just about every issue of Elon's weekly student newspaper The Pendulum.I got involved in the The Pendulum early in my first semester at the...

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

Happy Independence Day America

The scene from the excellent HBO miniseries John Adams where Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and the rest of the delegates vote to declare American secession from Britain:I have to believe that the mood of the room following the vote for the Declaration of Independence in real life was no less solemn.  The look on their faces must have said it all: "Dear God, we just did that.  That just happened!  What have we done?!"May...

Monday, July 03, 2023

Dear Elon Musk: Make Twitter usable again

This line from the 1983 movie WarGames has come to mind in the past couple of days:Except right now it's Elon Musk instead of Dabney Coleman.  And instead of the WOPR computer the problem is that Twitter is, at the moment, complete junk.A few years ago I embedded the timeline of my most recent tweets on this blog, in the right-hand column toward the top of the page. ...