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Thursday, March 20, 2025

The John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection has been released

President Donald Trump is making good on his promise to release all the documents pertaining to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.  This has been a LONG time coming for many, many people.  It bothered me in high school when I realized how much my government was holding back and it made a lot of my classmates mad too (this was right at the time the movie JFK was out).

But after sixty-two years since this collection began to coalesce, we're finally getting a look at it all.

Here's the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection's main page at the National Archives.  A lot of stuff had been made public already.  But what you're probably most interested in is what has been released because of Trump's executive order.  That stuff started getting dumped a few days ago: more than thirty-three thousand pages across nearly twelve hundred PDF documents.  Here's the link to that newly-released material, and word on the street is that there's more still to come.

What do I think so far?  I've only had time to peruse a little bit of it but there is some interesting stuff in there, a lot of it having to do with anti-communist activities on the part of the American government in the early Sixties, especially in regard to Cuba.  I found one document describing how a ballerina dancer was actually a communist agent.

But most people are going to want to home in on the meaty stuff pertaining to the assassination.  And they are finding some interesting things.  Among the more fascinating come upon so far: Gary Underhill, a CIA agent who stated the day after the killing that there was a clique within the agency that was responsible for carrying it out.  A few months later Underhill was found dead, it was ruled a suicide.  Just one more mystery among the pile of the biggest enigma in American history.

Back in 2016 when I was traveling across America with my dog Tammy, we spent a few weeks in Texas and during that time I got to visit Dealey Plaza in Dallas.  This was it: the most analyzed patch of land in the annals of man.  This is where all the theories span out from and where many more converge again.  And after a lifetime of wanting to see it for myself I was finally there.

Here are some of the pictures that were taken...

Behind the picket fence atop the grassy knoll.  This is the spot that several witnesses said they heard the sound of gunshots coming from.

Tammy and me atop the grassy knoll.

The spot where Kennedy was when the fatal shot hit is marked by a small white X on the road (click to enlarge)

The former Texas School Book Depository, from a window on the sixth floor of which is where Lee Harvey Oswald presumably fired the shots as the presidential motorcade passed by on the street below.

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Chuck said...

Who do _you_ think pulled the trigger on JFK?

Chris Knight said...

As I've gotten older I've come to think that Oswald did it.

That being said, I will absolutely be the very first to admit that I could be wrong.

If it was another gunman, he (assuming it's he) was atop the grassy knoll, behind the fence (approximately where I snapped that pic of Tammy and me).

I visited Dealey Plaza twice while we were there. We arrived in Dallas on a Saturday and Sunday morning I went looking for Dealey. It's actually a pretty small place. I drove right through it without realizing it until I was past it. Nobody else was around. The next day I came back and parked the car in the lot behind the fence atop the knoll (the parking lot for the depository/museum). There were people there this time so I was able to finally get that long-wanted pic of me at Dealey Plaza.

I won't say there's something "sinister" about the place, but there is a disquieting feeling that comes with being there. You can't help but look around, thinking about who was where (the spot where Abraham Zapruder stood as he filmed the motorcade driving by is marked) and wondering where did the shots really come from.

Definitely worth a visit if one is at all a history buff.

Anonymous said...

Oswald, the CIA, Mafia, Cubans, Teamsters, Lyndon Johnson, Mossad, all shooting from 137 different angles. Thats who did it.

Chris Knight said...

There is a legend I've heard over the years. That every new president-elect is taken aside by agents of the intelligence/law community. He or she is brought inside a darkened room with a film projector and a screen. And he is shown footage of the JFK assassination from an angle nobody saw. The film supposedly shows who really fired the shots and how they got away with it.

The message telegraphed to the incoming president is clear: "We did this to John Kennedy and we can do it to anyone else too."

It's probably just a crazy story made up by someone.

Solomon Grundy said...

Chris have you seen the Quantum Leap episode that has Sam taking the place of Oswald? If it's streaming you should watch it. The show's creator knew Oswald during time together in the marine corps. He thinks that Oswald did it and did it alone.

Any mouse said...

"What really went on between Marilyn Monroe and the Kennedy's and who really pulled the trigger on JFK?"

-FBI special agent Dale Cooper, on Twin Peaks

N. Stancil said...

I believe Oswald did it too and that he was alone. Something to think about Chris, it is a much shorter distance between where LHO sat and where JFK was hit than it is between where Trump was standing in Butler, Pennsylvania and where the gunman fired atop the roof.

Richard C said...

The photo from March 1963 of Lee Harvey Oswald holding a rifle identical to the one found at the repository window proves that Oswald was the killer. What are the astronomical odds that Oswald would pose with a gun just like the one used in the assassination, 8 months before Kennedy was killed.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Chris. Tammy is one special dog to have an owner who takes her to all those interesting places!


Solomon Grundy said...

It was Lee Oswald. In the warehouse. With the cheap Italian rifle. As they would say if real life was a game of Clue.