If anybody can tender any argument whatsoever in defense of the Internal Revenue Service, I for one wish to hear what it is.

Audits. Threats. Intimidation. Favoritism toward political allies. Cover-ups. Seizing millions of private individuals' medical records. Bullying a conservative education group to turn over the names of high school and college students. Not even Billy Graham's ministry has proven safe from the IRS.
Our forefathers went to war with England for far, far less than this. They bought our liberty with their blood. Too many of them paid the price for a freedom they knew they would never know but wanted their children and their children's children to have.
We owe their memory better than this.
Yes, Mr. Adams. The time has come to repent in Heaven. The government which you and Jefferson and Franklin and Washington and Madison and Morris and Calhoun and the rest gave us, doesn't exist anymore. We had a republic and we couldn't keep it.
And now we have a "government" of thugs with all the mentality of street hoodlums, or a Mafia family. Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Janet Napolitano...
They may have been elected, but they are not leaders. They aren't my leaders, anyway. They are, at most, glorified gangsters. Albeit gangsters with their very own Gestapo. And lots and lots of bullets (which we still haven't been given an adequate explanation for).
The Founding Fathers never would have entertained the notion of a government agency empowered to intimidate and threaten and confiscate the property of the people of the United States... much less approved of one!
So here's how I see it as things stand tonight...
Either the Internal Revenue Service is abolished for good, obliterated totally and its entire structure laid waste. Or, there can be no more confidence and trust that We The People can place with our own government.
This is our Runnymede, folks. King Obama Lackland needs to be dragged kicking and screaming to the pasture and told in no uncertain terms "you've gone mad with power, John. Now sign on the dotted line and get the hell out of our way."
Say what one will for all his faults, but at least King John had enough sense to comprehend what the barons were telling him. But then again John didn't have mega-sized computer databases, airborne drones and a secret police at his beck and call.
Either the IRS goes, and with it all its power and authority (which there is considerable evidence it was never meant to have to begin with), or there is no longer any pretending that we are living in a free nation of the people, by the people, and for the people. There will be only government for the sake of government.
That is not the country I want my children to grow up in.
And you shouldn't want it either.