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Showing posts with label alcohol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alcohol. Show all posts

Thursday, March 14, 2013

North Carolina Beers: A good blog about Tarheel brew

Please note: I am not a beer drinker.  In fact, it's very rare that I'll drink alcohol at all.  There's nothing I hold against those who enjoy it (in moderation 'course).  And I know next to nothing about what makes a good beer.  The first time I tried drinking any, it was in Belgium in 1993.  To this day I still cannot adequately describe how dark that stuff was...

North Carolina Beers, blog, Eric Smith
Even so, lacking knowledge and experience hasn't been an impediment toward enjoying Eric Smith's new blog North Carolina Beers!  A home-brewer for well over a decade, Eric's new site is "dedicated to North Carolina Beers and Breweries. Over the next year or two I plan on visiting every brewery in NC and writing a review on each of them. I will write about as many beers as I can and there may be some beer specific post as well."  In less than a week he's already got four stories up: the latest is a review of Natty Greene's Greensboro.

It's this kind of spotlight on local culture along with the history behind it that I've always enjoyed finding.  There's plenty of it already on North Carolina Beers.  Go check it out and tell 'em that Chris sent ya :-)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Special message to The Knight Shift readers

Dear readers of this blog,

As much as I would sincerely like to help some of you in this regard, I honestly do not have any privileged information about where anyone might be able to purchase a moonshine still. Neither do I happen to have in my possession any recipes for the manufacture of moonshine.

However if anyone reading this does have that information and wishes to volunteer it for publication, I would be more than happy to do so on this site.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Most irresponsible video game ever

It's I'm NOT Drunk: The Game!

Friday, September 04, 2009

Chess grandmaster loses match after passing out drunk

Vladislav Tkachiev, a leading French chess grandmaster, was scheduled to play Praveen Kumar in Kolkata, India. But unfortunately Tkachiev turned up at the match, as they say in French, "pees droonk".

He was so intoxicated that he could barely sit in his chair and soon fell asleep after only 11 moves.

His inebriated state cost Tkachiev the match after tournament officials decided he was in no condition to play and after Tkachiev had run afoul of the hour and thirty minutes time limit.

(Maybe Tkachiev should consider taking up chess boxing instead? :-)