There are two big days looming on my calendar during the next couple of months: Election Day on November 7th when we'll see what comes of my school board campaign. And September 26th, which is two weeks from today. I plan on being at the local Wal-Mart at 2 in the morning (gonna give 'em a few hours to get it out on the shelves) to buy "Weird Al" Yankovic's latest album Straight Outta Lynwood. Just 14 days away... and I can hardly wait!!
But while we are waiting, there's plenty of timeless Al stuff to keep us smiling... like this one. Can't believe it's been ten and a half years since this video debuted. Where does all that time go? Well anyway, this is probably not only Al's best video ever, but one of the best music videos of all time. Here it is: from the Bad Hair Day album it's the music video for "Amish Paradise"!