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Showing posts with label arizona. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arizona. Show all posts

Thursday, January 13, 2011

T-shirts at the Tuscon memorial service?

Does anyone else think that this was crass at best and beyond pale at worst?

To the left you will see a few of the 20,000-some "Together We Thrive" t-shirts that were given away free as "souvenirs" - and that's being more charitable than it deserves to be called - at last night's memorial service for victims of this past week's massacre in Tuscon.

I didn't watch it on television but a number of people whose reports I have long come to trust have shared a common sentiment: that last night's event was a meandering mess of narcissistic narcolepsy... with President Barack Obama as the focal point.

(What's the story about this Native American medicine man that I'm hearing so much bad about?)

Free t-shirts for attending a memorial service supposedly held in honor of those who died in an act of violence. I defy anyone to articulate how this was at all appropriate.

And I'm also a mite curious as to who paid for those t-shirts...

Monday, January 10, 2011

All that I intend to say about the shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords

I cannot be convinced otherwise: that America will NEVER grow into her fullest potential until her people GIVE UP and GET OVER this fraudulent divide between "conservatism" and "liberalism".

Seriously. "Democrats" vs. "Republicans"? Don't MOST adults grow up past such childish behavior?

In an honorable nation there would have been NO mention at all of politics or labels in the aftermath of what happened in Tuscon, Arizona this weekend. Instead I have watched TOO MANY of us still fixated on "US vs THEM".

What a crock of crap that is!! Some of us seemed even oblivious to the fact that innocent people DIED in this senseless act. And we're supposed to be the most "enlightened" nation on Earth?!

Like %&@# we are!!

I don't care what the victims believed in. I don't care what the assailant believed in. This was a CRIMINAL ACT. It does not require explanation. It does not require understanding.

And it absolutely does not merit exploitation!

And for those who yet insist upon a reason for the tragedy in Tuscon...

It is the same reason as has existed since the dawn of time: imperfect human nature left to its own devices, given to hate and acts of hate... and all too often, hate without any reason at all.

Thoughts and prayers going out to all of those involved. And by "all", I mean that.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

About President Obama suing the state of Arizona...

What the hell does President Obama think he is doing?

Obama's administration is suing Arizona for that state's recently passed anti-illegal immigration law. Obama's rationale is that Arizona is overstepping its limits as to what a state can and cannot do. The official line coming out of the White House is that Arizona's getting tough on illegals is something that only the federal government should be handling.

Like hell it is. The people and government of Arizona would not have had reason to take up the initiative on their own had Barack Obama, George W. Bush before him, and too damned many other politicians actually taken seriously their own pledges and oaths of office to defend the integrity of the United States.

So in effect, Obama is trying to punish Arizona for doing the job that Obama and others have failed to accomplish.

When the federal government has that kind of disdain toward a state, and legally takes sides with another sovereign country bordering that state, well...

...I don't have a hard time envisioning - and I don't have a problem with articulating the possibility of - sympathies toward succession in that state.

If the people of Arizona come to sincerely believe that the federal government does not have their best interests in mind and is in fact working against them, then why would the people of Arizona or any other state in such situation believe that they have a moral obligation to be beholden to said government?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

"Santa's helpers" disable traffic cameras with giftwrap in Arizona!

In August of 2001, I was p***ed-off enough about the "red light cameras" in Greensboro that I decided to do something about it. So I did some designin' in Photoshop, took it to a Kinko's and had it printed up huge and laminated, and for five hours in the hot sun stood next to one robosentinel that had particularly bothered me while holding a sign that read "SMILE: YOU'RE ON KOMRADE KAMERA!" Hee-hee-hee... got lots of supporters who honked in agreement as they drove past on Battleground Avenue.

So I think this next item is bigtime groovy...

Four people dressed as Santa Claus went around Tempe, Arizona a few days ago and put gift-wrapped boxes over three speed and red light cameras around the city. And for good measure they posted the video of their rebellion on YouTube...

It cannot be said enough: America is not her government. America is her people. When America's people lash out at government abuse, then that is the definition of a virtuous citizenry.

Bravo to you, "Santa's Helpers"! May others be inspired by your example! :-)