This blog has been SLAMMED with visitors since three days ago coming to read about Short Sugar's Bar-B-Q in Reidsville, North Carolina shutting down after more than 75 years in business. The counter has been ringing up visits from all fifty states, Canada, Ireland, Australia, Germany, even some people in Brazil. There were few corners of the globe that hadn't heard of Short Sugar's, it seems. Judging by the comments and e-mails that have come in there have been a lot of folks who are regretting that they will now never have an opportunity to eat at a place that once was judged to have the best barbecue in America. Short Sugar's was the kind of place that they just don't make anymore and it's not just a loss to a small town, but to our culture as a whole.
Well, it's been a very depressing past 72 hours but there is a little bit of light to break through the gloom. Short Sugar's as a location may be gone, but its signature barbecue sauce will live on! And it may be coming to your front door before too awful long.
Here's what Short Sugar's owner David Wilson posted on Facebook earlier today:"We will continue producing the sauce. I think we will start on Amazon and in local stores... I’m going to change our social media presence to focus on the sauce."
I hope David and the rest of the Wilson family are bracing themselves. Because for years a lot of us have been wanting Short Sugar's sauce to be widely distributed. Until now bottles of it have only been really available for sale at the restaurant. It has been highly demanded for a very long time. Bringing this sauce to the larger marketplace is going to be a veritable goldmine. It is going to take the world by storm! There is no sauce like Short Sugar's, is something unique all its own. It's not something you slather onto meat, it's more like you saturate your pork or chicken or whatever with it. This is the perfect thing to accentuate chopped barbecue especially. I've also had a bit of success using it on ribs. So maybe this will be like the second coming of Short Sugar's. It has been more than a place to eat, it has been an enduring idea: a spot for the mind as much as for the taste buds. And now it seems that it will endure. Not just that but also thrive! Short Sugar's sauce is poised to take the greater world by surprise and in my mind there is not a product that more deserves a position in the global market.
I shall be keeping my eyes open about this with great interest!