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Showing posts with label bandit run 2008. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bandit run 2008. Show all posts

Monday, May 12, 2008

BANDIT RUN 2008: Because they're thirsty in Atlanta and there's beer in... Ohio?

Chad Austin sends along this neat story from the Atlanta Journal and Constitution about a Georgia guy who's a devoted fan of the 1977 film Smokey and the Bandit (which was the #2 top-grossing movie that year by the way, after a little art-house film called Star Wars). And Tyler Hambrick not only wound up buying a Trans-Am like the one Burt Reynolds used in that movie, but last year for the movie's 30th anniversary he re-created the epic journey from Texarkana, Texas to Atlanta, Georgia.

And tomorrow, Tyler Hambrick and about sixty carloads of his close friends are going to do it all over again, this time going from Columbus, Ohio to Atlanta.

Here's the official website for Bandit Run 2008 and here's a map of the route. Looks like the Bandit convoy is going to be going through Asheville after they enter North Carolina, then going west on 74 through Waynesville, Sylva and Cullowhee before heading south on 441 into Georgia. I used to travel those roads all the time when I lived out that way. It's almost enough to tempt me to stand on the side of the road with a "GO BANDIT(S)!!" banner :-P

Oh yeah, Bandit Run 2008 has a promo video too...

Good luck with your "beer run" folks! And I hope that your own movie recreation goes a lot better than what happened to those guys who tried to imitate The Road Warrior in Texas three years ago ;-)