Why is Roger Clemens in trouble for lying to Congress... when Congress lies to us ALL the time and always gets away with it?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Saturday, May 01, 2010
Weird contract clauses for baseball players
Those are just a few of the wacky stipulations that professional baseball players have demanded or agreed to in their signing contracts, according to this entertaining lil' article at CNN.com. One thing that I didn't know until reading this: Michael Jordan was still getting paid by the owner of the NBA's Chicago Bulls when Jordan tried his luck at baseball in the early Nineties. Why? 'Cuz Bulls owner Jerry Reinsdorf was also the owner of Jordan's baseball team :-)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The 4,900 calorie hamburger
A heart-stopping (perhaps literally) 4,889 calories of beef, lettuce, tomato, salsa, sour cream, chili and Fritos on an 8-inch sesame seed bun. Total weight: nearly 30 ounces.
The ballpark management suggests that one of these hamburgers can feed four people. But if one person manages to eat the whole thing, he/she will earn the right to wear this t-shirt:
Thursday, January 17, 2008
NCAA clamps down on live blogging at college games
In the wake of the uproar, last month the NCAA established some... strange... regulations for live blogging by professional sports reporters at college athletic events:
FootballNot only that, but each blog must display the NCAA logo (what the... %@#&?!?!?) and all blog posts by credentialed journalists must be submitted to "the NCAA Blog Central" (?!?!?).
- Three posts per quarter and one post at halftimeBaseball
- One post per inning, including extra inningsBasketball
- Five posts per half, two posts in halftime, two posts per each overtime
Naturally, sports writers are having a field day with this lunacy.
Check out Kara Ratliff's story at WebProNews (a website that I heartily recommend) for the skinny on the NCAA's bizarre blogging policy...