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Showing posts with label bastards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bastards. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

DC Comics is making WATCHMEN 2. No, really.

What. The. F-CK?!?!?

(I came waaaaaay too close to writing out that full word, folks. Only the better angels of my nature intervened, but not nearly enough.)

"It's a joke. It's all a joke."

Except it's not. This is actually happening.

Why? Well from the story at IGN's Comics News...

"It's our responsibility as publishers to find new ways to keep all of our characters relevant," said DC Entertainment Co-Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee. "After twenty five years, the Watchmen are classic characters whose time has come for new stories to be told. We sought out the best writers and artists in the industry to build on the complex mythology of the original."
DiDio and Lee don't have an effin' clue, do they? Makes me wonder if they've even read Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons' classic graphic novel. Me, I've read Watchmen at least 200 times since first discovering it in the winter of 1990. And every time that I re-read it, I discover something new.

This new project isn't a sequel, and "Watchmen 2" isn't even its proper title. It's being called Before Watchmen: a series of prequels, each one focusing on a different character from Watchmen. And none of them are needed or even wanted at all. Looking around the Intertubes today, all I'm seeing is disgust that this is happening. Indeed, I'm seeing some raw hatred toward DC Comics right now over this.

Suffice it to say, Alan Moore is not happy either...

"I tend to take this latest development as a kind of eager confirmation that they are still apparently dependent on ideas that I had 25 years ago... I don't want money. What I want is for this not to happen. As far as I know, there weren't that many prequels or sequels to Moby Dick."
Mash here for more about this damnable sacrilege that sucks donkeys balls to no end.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Popcorn Sutton: Dead By Government Bastards!

If you have small children anywhere in the vicinity, please have them leave. Because there are going to be things that I say here, and images that will be shown, that in days of enforced polity would no doubt have resulted in me being hung until dead, and then the house burned down and the ground sown with salt.

But may God have mercy, I'm not gonna hold back on this. I'm probably going to blow all the "goodwill" that I've earned as a "Christian writer" with this wad... but this is gonna be said and I don't give a flying rat's ass...

It's official: Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton took his own life, rather than go to prison. Monday he got the letter ordering him to report to federal penitentiary on Friday of this week. Later that afternoon he sent his wife to town for some errands. Shortly after she left Popcorn went to the barn behind their Parrottsville, Tennessee home, started up the beloved Ford Fairlane that he once bought with three jugs of his famous moonshine, and let the buildup of carbon monoxide seduce his weary mind into an everlasting slumber bereft of BATF agents and fame-jockeying prosecutors.

Marvin Sutton – better known as Popcorn Sutton – was an American original. The embodiment of rugged individualism. A paragon of the "live and let live" that once upon a time this country believed in. He was a product of his heritage, a practitioner of his art, and perhaps the last living link to a culture whose decimation is so actively sought by our "progressive" society that only the absence of guns spares it from the appellation "ethnic cleansing".

Monday afternoon, Popcorn Sutton died on his own terms. He left this world a free man.

And it was the god-damned aberration of decency and sanity that is the American government which made him do it.

The same American government that takes billions of dollars from you and me, and gives it to companies that should have suffered the consequences of their own incompetence and gone broke.

The same American government that takes even more money from you and me and passes it along as obscene "bonuses" to the very executives who drove those companies into the ground.

The same American government that has destroyed the industrial infrastructure of this country.

The same American government that lets MILLIONS of undocumented illegal immigrants flood across the border.

The same American government that now has a tax evader as the Secretary of the Treasury.

And yet in spite of all of this and more, this same government would have us believe that a 61-year old rail-thin, scraggly-bearded mountain man was a threat to the national economy?!

There is something that I have never, ever said before, either aloud or in print, but I gladly will now: FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!

So far as I'm concerned, the federal government of the United States committed murder. It didn't have to take Popcorn Sutton's life on its own.

Hell no. It did its damndest to do worse than that.

It had to try to kill his spirit. It had to assassinate Popcorn Sutton as a character. So he had no choice but to deny it the satisfaction of killing him in body.

Popcorn Sutton never harmed anyone. He made moonshine. That is not a sin or something that is morally evil. Hell, Popcorn's moonshine was widely reputed to be the safest product around. Nobody ever got sick or went blind from drinking his stuff (unless they imbibed too much of it). Go watch Neal Hutcheson's wonderful documentary The Last One: moonshining was never something that folks in the backwoods did just for the heck of it. More often than not it was something that was needed. In one of the bonus materials on The Last One DVD, Popcorn demonstrates how moonshine can be used as the basis for a cough and cold syrup. In the days before Wal-Mart landed a Supercenter in every nook and hollow of Appalachia, that was the only way to produce effective medicine.

But the god-damned judges, prosecutors, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco Firearms agents, and their worse-than-worthless sycophants and "useful idiots" in a lot of the media, decreed that to make alcohol without a license is a dire sin. And the license itself costs an unconscionable amount of money. Popcorn Sutton didn't have enough coin to open up a full-blown brewery, and he didn't particularly care to either. He just wanted to make enough for his own needs, and a few others.

But the government wanted its cut. How much would that have been? A few hundred dollars? Likely a couple thousand at the most. How much would it have cost to give Popcorn three hots and a cot in federal prison for eighteen months? A helluva lot more than that.

Was that worth wasting the money to pursue, prosecute and attempt to imprison the man? Was it worth driving him to take his own life?

Most people reading these words, know the answer to that question.

But the soulless, heartless, unholy juggernaut of the federal government, doesn't give a damn. Think any of the agents or prosecuting officials in Popcorn's case are going to shed any tears?

Fucking automatons, all of 'em.

And meanwhile, the real criminals of this land are still in Washington, still on Wall Street, still sitting high on the hog and sucking the fruit of our labors. Bernard Madoff? He's just a token gesture. His only "serious" mistake is that he got too greedy. So he'll go to prison for the rest of his life (if even that long) and the bastards of Absolute Power will keep feigning indignity and have to suffer the inconvenience of the occasional "congressional hearing"... and it will just be Business As Usual™.

Because there are different rules for Them and for Us. They can get away with it. People like Popcorn Sutton are too small to "matter". The little people have to be quashed at every turn, lest they get too uppity.

I defy anyone to tell me that there is something right in a country where a well-connected businessman or politician can abscond with millions or billions of taxpayer dollars and escape with a slap on the wrist, while someone like Popcorn Sutton gets hounded to the bitter end.

No one can tell me that there is anything right with that.


Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton: killed by a performance of Prosecutorial Theatre, produced by his country, the United States of America.

He was a Free Man. One of the few who can honestly say they deserve that title. The chains never came to rest upon him.

Can any of us say the same?

You can live on your knees, or die on your feet. You can be safe, or you can be free.

A man chooses. A slave obeys.

Popcorn Sutton was disobedient. He chose his life, all the way to the end.

And if nothing else that I say makes an impression, I will let Marvin "Popcorn" Sutton himself deliver the parting words to those who would enslave others, carved in the footstone that he already had prepared for his eventual gravesite:

Note: the photos used in this article are from Johnny Knoxville's post about Popcorn Sutton's passing. I very much recommend reading what Knoxville has to say, and especially check out the video interview that he made with Popcorn in February 2009.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Department of Homeland Security can legally steal laptops, iPods

Electronista is reporting about policies with the Department of Homeland Security that now allow its agents to legally detain laptop computers from anyone it wants to who's crossing the border into the United States... and never return them to their rightful owners. This includes American citizens, also.

As of last month, Homeland Security (still the most Nazi-ish name for an American government agency that has ever been) can seize not just laptops, but iPods, videotapes and DVDs, books, and pretty much anything else it wants, without there being any suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of the person entering the country.

If this does not violate the undue search and seizure clause of the United States Constitution, then I don't know what does. No doubt that a lot of DHS employees are looking at this as a goldmine of opportunity: "Hey Bob, didn't your little girl want a new iPod? Look at what this guy coming toward us has..."

Meanwhile, some people have been upset that I disagreed with a recent op-ed piece that compared George W. Bush to Batman. They don't like it that I dared attack their precious god incarnate, but they've no problem with the very same man turning this "free" country into a damned f-cking police state.

It's funny: I just came back from a visit to Canada. A country that is not without its problems (and some policies that I disagree with) but otherwise is just as modern and free as any place I've been. When was the last time that Canada was attacked by "the terrists"? I mean, if "the terrists" really do "hate us for our freedoms" you'd think that they'd be attacking free countries across the board. Instead, to hear it from our "brilliant" leaders they only have it in for the United States. Why is that? Maybe 'cuz we seem to have the only goverment on Earth hell-bent on dominating everyone?

And now our government is hell-bent on dominating its own citizens. But a lot of us who've been paying attention the past few years already knew that.

And this upcoming election won't change a thing. Not really. No matter who gets elected, the slide will continue. We'll lose more freedom and individual rights. Count on it.

With twenty men and boxcutters, Osama Bin Laden defeated the most powerful country that ever existed. Because he conned us into destroying the very thing that made us precious and unique among nations. Had we been more vigilant and not handed stewardship of the country over to insane people, none of this might be happening.

In the meantime, I'd suggest shipping your laptop to your destination, if you have to cross the United States border.