Just one of many things I have learned in the past few years. And anyone who claims that a dog or cat doesn't have a soul, has obviously never owned one.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Something I made a while back...
Just one of many things I have learned in the past few years. And anyone who claims that a dog or cat doesn't have a soul, has obviously never owned one.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
iPad fun with Zoe and Wally (AKA the girlfriend's cats)
Monday, December 05, 2011
Zoe and Wally are in the first ever I Can Has Cheezburger? daily calendar!
They're my girlfriend's two cats. And two years ago she submitted this wacky photo of the two of them laying on her futon to the popular humor site I Can Has Cheezburger?...
Zoe is the black and white and orange one sitting at the far end, and Wally is the orange dude screaming (or whatever the heck he's doing). And they are now the January 10th featured photo from the I Can Has Cheezburger? 2012 Calendar!
Now available at fine retailers, bookstores and online outlets everywhere!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Medal of Honor Cat
That video went live two days ago and has already had more than two million views.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
"Do dogs chase cats?"
It's like "Toonces the Driving Cat" from Saturday Night Live meets The French Connection!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Meet Oscar: The world's first bionic cat
Popular Science has more about Oscar: the world's first bionically-enabled feline. It's thought that the technology will soon be applicable to human patients.
And here's some video of Oscar strutting his stuff!
He just needs some adamantium claws in his front paws and he'll be all set :-P
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Homeland Security nabs radioactive cat on I-5 in Seattle
(And with that, Chris goes into hiding for using the worst pun ever ...)