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Showing posts with label charles nelson reilly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charles nelson reilly. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

"Weird Al" Yankovic releases "CNR"... a song about Charles Nelson Reilly?!

If you're one of "Weird Al" Yankovic's many fans you're no doubt enjoying this summer and Al's "Internet Leaks" collection (one new song and video a month through September). So far we've had "Craigslist" aping Jim Morrison's style and then a number of weeks ago "Skipper Dan".

And a short while ago Al released his latest "Internet Leaks" single: "CNR", spoofing the signature sound of the White Stripes. And it's a song about Charles Nelson Reilly, of all people!

Mash here for the "CNR" video (created by JibJab) on YouTube. And on the video's page you can find links to purchase the song and video via iTunes and other online outlets.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Rest in peace Charles Nelson Reilly

I heard this morning that Charles Nelson Reilly - Tony Award-winning performer and Match Game perpetual panelist - passed away this past Friday at the age of 76.

I didn't know him from any of that. No, like a lot of us who "came of age" during the last decade, I know Charles Nelson Reilly mostly from his role as Jose Chung in the classic The X-Files episode "Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'": easily among the most unique hours of Nineties television.

A few years later Reilly returned as Chung in the Millennium episode "Jose Chung's Doomsday Defense". In his honor, here is the intro to that extremely hilarious episode (which made fun of Scientology):