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Showing posts with label church of scientology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church of scientology. Show all posts

Monday, September 08, 2008

DMCA Abuse: 4,000 Anti-Scientology videos pulled from YouTube

During the past few days American Rights Counsel LLC has forced YouTube to pull more than four thousand videos that are critical of the Church of Scientology. At this time it's unclear whether American Rights Counsel are representing the cult and did so at the behest of Scientologists. What is known is that a butt-load of Digital Millennium Copyright Act takedown notices went out from the firm over a period of twelve hours this past Thursday and Friday, and YouTube had no legal alternative but to immediately yank the contested clips.

The affected YouTube users have already begun responding with DMCA counter-claims (which might explain why this blog has been registering a ton of visits to how I filed my own counter-claim a year ago against Viacom). That is indeed a wise step to take in fighting back.

But YouTube users shouldn't be forced to deal with this anyway. I've said many times since my own dealings with Viacom: the DMCA has turned out to be horrible legislation, rife for all kinds of abuse. Think about it: if anyone currently running for office wanted to, he or she could simply deluge YouTube with fraudulent DMCA infringement notices, and YouTube would be obligated to remove every video that's critical of that candidate... and maybe even official campaign ads from the opposition. And YouTube would have to do it without consideration or oversight.

Isn't that what's happening now with the Church of Scientology?

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

L. Ron Price: My best mash-up yet!

Incidentally, it was one year ago tonight that Ronald Filer Price, "conservative candidate" for Rockingham County Board of Education, stole the campaign signs belonging to U.S. House member Brad Miller. And then a number of citizens - including a doctor - spotted Ron's pilfering. Price admitted to the Reidsville cops that he had taken them, and claimed the following night on live television that he feared for his life because he was being chased by "goons".

Price, now too morally-tainted to serve on the Board, wound up elected and he had the gall to get sworn in anyway (but come the swearing-in ceremony, he meekly had to admit that there was nobody to hold his Bible for him). Ron "The Con" has since gained a reputation as being the most arrogant, sneering member of the Rockingham County school board, looking down on those he brands as "bad for the community" like WGSR and opponents of his sick school uniforms scheme. And of course, there is his ridiculous lawsuit against the Moores.

So on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of "the commotion" or "the signs incident" as Ron Price has sometimes called it, here is my most diabolical Ron Price graphic... at least so far. And I'm really tempting the fates with this one! Because not only might Ron the Con sue me for using his name and face (hey Ron, I will get away with it because parody is protected free speech!), this one also messes with the Church of Scientology: the one entity on Earth more sue-happy than Ron Price, if that's possible.

So here it is, in the fine tradition of L. Ron Hubbard and his book Dianetics, it's L. Ron Price's smash-hit:

Ron will probably sue me anyway, sheerly out of spite because he can't use Adobe Photoshop like I can :-P