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Showing posts with label clothing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clothing. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Found on Etsy: Crocheted Bane mask

It won't deliver pain-killing anesthetic, but it might keep your ears warm..

Bane, mask, The Dark Knight Rises, crochet, crocheted, Rose Pope, Etsy

A knitted replica of Bane's headgear from The Dark Knight Rises.  Incredible.  And extremely clever!  Kudos to crochet artist Rose Pope for pulling it off.

You can find it on Etsy but mind ya, there's currently a four-month long waiting list for this hot lil' item.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Creepy new biotechnology

Researchers have created a new type of solar energy cell that uses the corneas of blowflies as the primary method of gathering light for conversion into electricity.

Meanwhile those brilliant eggheads at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - who previously brought us such wonders as the Internet and the Global Positioning System - have developed a new technology that turns humans into batteries for powering gadgets like cellphones (but for now is being considered primarily for use in the military). Thankfully, artificial intelligence has yet to arise that would no doubt enslave us to the Matrix.

Elsewhere in the world, the concept of the In Vitro Meat Habitat has recently been introduced. There's really no other way to put it: this is a house made out of meat.

And while you are lounging in your living room of liverwurst, what more fitting attire than clothing grown from bacteria?

After reading stuff like this, I can't shake the notion that somewhere, out there in this all too scary world, somebody is hard at work on making Soylent Green...

Yeah you laugh now. But just watch. It wouldn't surprise me if sometime during the lifetime of most of us that this will happen... if not at least seriously suggested by politicians, "experts", whatever.

The microbe-grown clothing is pretty cool though. If I recall my comic books correctly, that is much like how Tony Stark manufactures his current Iron Man armor: with bacteria "growing" it via nanotechnology. So that might be worth watching...

Thursday, March 04, 2010

All Points Bulletin issued for Ron Paul's necktie

Take a look at the necktie that Ron Paul is wearing in this photograph...

The Honorable Representative Dr. Paul has been spotted wearing this tie quite often lately. And my good friend Danny de Garcia II has become obsessed with finding that particular necktie! As Danny puts it...

"There it is again. Notice how sharp his tie looks with the light blue, silver blue, blue pinstripe and white. I'm looking for that tie."
So let's help Danny find Ron Paul's necktie, boys and girls!! If you know where to find this thing, e-mail me at theknightshift@gmail.com and I'll pass the info along to Danny A.S.A.P.!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today's proof that fashion is dead

I have been thinking for awhile now that the traditional sense of fashion is dying before our very eyes. Mostly it's the fault of the Internet, that Great Leveler of Culture and Identity. Control of journalism and the entertainment industry is now becoming a thing in the hands of the average person... and it was only a matter of time before clothing style also became dictated by You and Me, instead of designers in New York and Paris.

But that doesn't mean that those who have been trying to tell us what is "in" are going down without a fight. Witness these... outfits... from a show in Paris yesterday:

The lady on the left is hopeless on a dinner date because of the chainmail covering her mouth. While the one on the right looks too much like a botanical reproductive organ.

I have to ask aloud: Who the hell actually WEARS stuff like this?!

See more wacky Parisian "fashion" here.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Man threatened with arrest for wearing TRANSFORMERS t-shirt

Brad Jayokody, pictured below, was threatened by security personnel at London's Heathrow Airport because his t-shirt depicting Optimus Prime from the movie Transformers was considered offensive.

So much for "Freedom is the right of ALL sentient beings!" ...

Read the rest of the story here.