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Showing posts with label cloverfield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cloverfield. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A teaser for CLOVERFIELD sequel in front of IRON MAN 2?!?

Oh J.J. Abrams, you tease you...

Drew McWeeny of HitFix is the first to break the news about an ultra-myserious Bad Robot project that in true Abrams fashion is being kept under the darkliest cloak of secrecy possible.

Here's what McWeeny has found out: the teaser trailer for it is going to run with Iron Man 2, which comes out this Friday.

The title of it (if this is indeed the name of the film) is Super 8.

And it might... emphasis on "might" y'all... be the follow-up to 2008's Cloverfield.

I was already planning on seeing Iron Man 2 on Friday. Guess this will be even more reason to look forward to it (even if this doesn't turn out to be a Cloverfield sequel :-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

HyperMind's video for the Monsterpocalypse contest makes the Top Ten!

Two weeks ago I let y'all know about a promotional video that I worked on for HyperMind, that groovy game store in Burlington. The video was for HyperMind's big Monsterpocalypse day this coming Saturday, and was also an entry in that game's Monsterpocapalooza mega-event going on this summer.

Well, the votes have been tallied and our lil' video has made it into the Top Ten! There wound up being about 22 entries altogether. We are very thankful to be in one of the top spots, and we wish to thank everyone who voted for us!

Here it is again if you haven't seen it yet...

Again, thank you to all who watched and rated our video. The final winner will be announced on July 31st... and we'll be keeping our fingers crossed 'til then! :-)

Monday, July 06, 2009

Promo video for the MONSTERPOCAPALOOZA event at HyperMind!

So for the past several days I've been engulfed in Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects and whatnot. Hard at work for some good friends: HyperMind in Burlington (click here for the first write-up I did about 'em). Well, among the very popular games that HyperMind carries is Monsterpocalypse, and this summer its publisher Privateer Press is having a mondo ginormous event called Monsterpocapalooza. As part of the festivities leading up to the release of a new add-on for the game is a contest where game stores are invited to make a promo video for their Monsterpocalypse events.

So anyhoo, here is HyperMind's entry. I thought it would be neat if we spoofed Cloverfield. And it came out pretty good!

Thanks to everyone in the HyperMind extended family for making this video possible! And if you enjoyed their efforts, please feel free to give a high rating on the promo's YouTube page, 'cuz we're hoping to land a huge launch party for the upcoming Monsterpocalypse Series 4: Monsterpocalypse Now!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

J.J. Abrams hints at CLOVERFIELD sequel

Cloverfield was one of my very favorite movies from last year. I thought it accomplished just what J.J. Abrams set out to do: give America a leviathan film monster all its very own (read my original review here). It did extremely well at the box office and in DVD/Blu-ray sales, so obviously people are wondering: might we see a second installment of the story?

During the Star Trek panel at WonderCon, Abrams spoke in considerably strong terms that a Cloverfield sequel is indeed in the works...

"We're actually working on an idea right now," Abrams told the packed crowd. "The key obviously at doing any kind of sequel, certainly this film included, is that it better not be a business decision. If you're going to do something, it should be because you're really inspired to do it. It doesn't really have to mean anything, doesn't mean it will work, but it means we did it because we cared, not because we thought we could get the bucks. We have an idea that we thought was pretty cool that we're playing with, which means there will be something that's connected to Cloverfield, but I hope it happens sooner than later because the idea is pretty sweet."
The novelty of Cloverfield is such that the ideas for stories set during the same attack are virtually limitless. I'd love to see at least two or three more Cloverfield movies. And a good video game that lets the player experience the horror of that "terrible thing" as it destroys New York City.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Did CLOVERFIELD's "Roar!" vanish from iTunes?

A number of people have been writing in to report that "Roar!", the track that Michael Giacchino composed for the hit monster movie Cloverfield, has disappeared from iTunes just days after it finally became available for download. Here's my post about when "Roar!" first appeared on iTunes.

I did a search on iTunes also, and "Roar!" isn't showing up either in results or on Michael Giacchino's page. However, if you go to the original URL that links directly to "Roar!"'s page on iTunes, as of this writing it's still showing up as being available. And for $0.99, the same as most other tracks on iTunes (it was originally selling for $1.99).

It's probably just a glitch in the iTunes database. I can't think of any other reason why a track that was in such wild demand would be yanked so quickly, or even at all. Anyhoo, if ya go to this link you should still be able to get yer "Roar!" :-)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Michael Giacchino's "Roar!" from CLOVERFIELD is now on iTunes

Scott Kelly sends word that after three months of a lot of people wanting this, that "Roar!", the instrumental piece by Michael Giacchino that plays over the end credits of Cloverfield (and the only original musical score composed for that movie) is now available for purchase via iTunes as of today. If you have iTunes already loaded on your computer then aim here to go straight to "Roar!".

I just bought it and am listening to it now. "Roar!" is both monstrous and majestic. I thought that in addition to complementing Cloverfield, that it was a beautiful piece in its own right and a terrific homage to the classic Toho "giant monstah" movies that Cloverfield was inspired by.

Incidentally, the version of "Roar!" that you can download is five minutes longer than the one used in the movie. After listening to both - someone sent me a very clean (i.e. no theatrical noises) copy of the movie's version a few weeks ago - I must say that I prefer the edition from iTunes.

I also got the Cloverfield DVD yesterday. Haven't watched all of it yet but it's a beautiful transfer. I can't wait to put both it and "Roar!" on my iPod... and then I can take Cloverfield with me wherever I go :-)

Monday, March 31, 2008

Michael Giacchino talks about release of "Roar!" overture from CLOVERFIELD

Not long after Cloverfield came out in January (read my review here) this blog received word from a reliable source (and still a reliable one in spite of things) that Michael Giacchino's "Roar!", the one bit of original music score for that movie, was going to be release "soon". Obviously this did not happen and we are still waiting for it.

Well today Ain't It Cool News is pointing everyone to a video at Film Score Monthly Online wherein Giacchino addresses the high demand for "Roar!" and the problems that have come with it. Nobody foresaw that a single piece of music like this would become so sought-after, Giacchino says. He also adds that the complete track is 13 minutes long and that when (not "if" but "when") "Roar!" comes out it will be the full piece.

So sounds like it's coming after all, just that they've had some legal stuff to sort through first. My bet is we'll see it on iTunes around the same time that Cloverfield comes out on DVD in a few weeks.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I spotted the "thing" in CLOVERFIELD ... I think

"Weird" Ed (my college roomie and filmmaking partner) has been visiting us for the past few days, and yesterday he and I went to see Cloverfield. It was his first time catching it, and my third. I went again so that I could enjoy watching his reaction but also so that I could try, again, to see if I could spot the "falling object" in the Coney Island scene that's the very last shot of the movie.

So we saw Cloverfield at the West End Cinema in Burlington (where we always used to go for movies when we were at Elon together), and "Weird" Ed liked it an awful lot. And this time, I'm pretty sure that I did see it this time. It's very fleeting. Even if you have your eyes wide open and trying not to blink, it's not easy to see at all. A very small dark object that hits the water and kicks up the foamy wake. Here's a pic of the splash.

According to the backstory that's been generated by the viral marketing for Cloverfield, this object is not the monster. Cloverfield creator J.J. Abrams says that the creature was already on Earth, that it was down on the ocean floor for thousands of years before it woke up feelin' pokey after being aroused. That thing falling out of the sky and hitting the water off Coney Island? It's supposed to be a satellite known as the "Chimpanz III" owned by the Tagruato Corporation of Japan, which makes Slusho (the soft drink that's shown a lot in Cloverfield. According to the backplot, the satellite fell and Tagruato went looking for it in addition to the secret ingredient for Slusho, which can only be found deep in the ocean. And that's how the monster was awoken and wound up coming ashore.

Sounds a bit hokey even for a sci-fi movie. But I've no doubt there are some who are disappointed that the Cloverfield monster wasn't a guy in a big rubber suit, either :-)

EDIT 4:41 p.m. EST: Looks like the Bad Robot/Paramount dudes weren't being too fanciful about falling satellites at all, since this afternoon there's now word that a U.S. spy satellite is going to come crashing down in the next few weeks and they can't figure out where it'll hit. Let us pray that it veers clear of the Coney Island vicinity :-P

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Source sez: Michael Giacchino planning to release CLOVERFIELD "Roar!" overture "very soon"

Nothing official has come out yet, but as a follow-up to what was posted earlier today, I'm now hearing from a fairly reliable source (meaning they've been accurate before) that Michael Giacchino's "Roar! (Cloverfield Overture)", the awe-inspiring bit of music from the end credits of Cloverfield, will be released "very soon", as in probably this week. As many have hoped, the primary delivery vehicle is expected to be iTunes, but this is not an absolute. The important thing is, it does look like we'll be able to purchase it shortly.

Thank goodness that this seems to be coming out so fast! I was starting to worry that I'd have to do another petition :-P

Various CLOVERFIELD items: sequel talk, demand for Giacchino's overture, suggesting a video game ... and the first VERY good image of the creature!

Few things about Cloverfield, the breakout hit monster movie that came out this weekend (here's my earlier review)...

- Cloverfield's success already has director Matt Reeves discussing the sequel, which he suggests might take place on the same night as the attack, but showing a different story with other people's cameras, cellphones, etc.

- I'm seeing a lot of demand for "Roar! (Cloverfield Overture)", the orchestral track by Michael Giacchino (the composer for Lost) that plays over the end credits. It would be great if Paramount and Bad Robot could release this via iTunes or some other online distribution, because it would sell (and I would be one of those buying a download).

- If it's not in the works already, I would like to heartily recommend to The Powers That Be that as Cloverfield represents one of the best launches of a fictional franchise in recent memory, that a more interactive experience is in order. Namely, a Cloverfield video game. Instead of reiterating the story of Rob and his friends, it could be an entirely separate story that parallels that of the movie. Such a game would put the player in the position of someone else who was in New York City on the night of the attack. I imagine that the graphics capabilities of the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 would make such a quite a stunning success. And as for the Wii... can you imagine swinging the Wiimote like an axe at those smaller creatures? :-)

- Finally (for now), for everyone who has been looking like crazy online for a really great picture of the Cloverfield monster, talented artist Carman MacDonald easily has rendered the most definitive image yet of the beast. Having seen Cloverfield twice now, I have to say: this one nails the look of the thing extremely well.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

CLOVERFIELD ending: Where was it and who saw what?

Call it the Zapruder Film of monster movies: right now the Internet is buzzing with discussion about what might have happened in the very last shot of Cloverfield, which opened yesterday.

I went to see Cloverfield yesterday afternoon, and last night I posted my review of it. It wasn't long afterward that an anonymous reader made the following intriguing comment...

In case you are wondering where the monster came from in the closing scene where it is one month previous and they are at the beach if you look out over the ocean in the distance an object (presumably the monster) falls from the sky and right as it hits the water the camera turns to beths face. This is the only hint that the director said he put in there as to where the monster/creature came from. If you are going to see it again this weekend look for that in the final scenes.
I didn't remember seeing anything like that when I watched Cloverfield, and I like to think that I'm a pretty attentive guy to details like that. Unless it was something so incredibly obscure, and I don't believe that J.J. Abrams and the Bad Robot guys would obfuscate so major a detail that much.

Then I started reading the blogosphere, and it turns out that other people are saying the same thing too: that in the final shot of Cloverfield, in the footage from Coney Island a month before the attack, that something huge and often described as "dark" lands in the ocean, just before Beth tells Rob that she had a good day.

It bugged me enough to decide that I wanted to see Cloverfield again. And today.

So a bit before noon, Lisa and I got in my car and we went to the Brassfield Cinemark on the northwest edge of Greensboro. After hearing me talk about it, she decided that she wanted to check out what the hullabaloo is about too. We got our tickets and went in and watched the movie. It was just as good a second time around, if not better. As for what Lisa thought about it, ummmm... she might write a review for her own blog, so I won't spoil her thoughts on it :-)

The final scene was approaching. I literally pried my eyelids open with my fingers, doing my darndest not to blink at all. I kept my peepers focused on the much-discussed right-hand side of the screen, looking at the sky and the water off Coney Island.

Okay, I must say: there is something there all right. But the only thing I saw, at all, was a large patch of white foam in the water, like the wake of something massive. I did not see a "big and dark" object fall out of the sky and hit the water. But there is something out there kicking up the surf off Coney Island. What that is, I don't know. But right now I'm not convinced at all that it was something that came falling out of the sky. Out in the water, it doesn't take much to make a plenty big enough wake.

So I personally did not see the "thing" from the sky. And yet, there are lots of people who are swearing quite vehemently that they did see something. If it's a delusion, it's one that's being shared by quite a large number of movie goers this weekend.

At the same time I'm also hearing from other people who reported that they looked for this, but didn't see the falling object either.

Curiouser and curiouser...

A few problems I have with this, if it is indeed supposed to be the arrival of the Cloverfield monster. For one thing, Coney Island was a month before the night of Rob's party: what was the monster doing during all of that time? The more obvious question in my mind though is that if the monster was that enormous, then how in the world did its crashing into the water not get noticed by not only Rob and Beth, but by everyone else at Coney Island? I mean, if a skyscraper came hurtling out of the blue and into the ocean off-shore from a major amusement park, it seems like somebody would have taken note of it, right?

In light of how many people claim to have seen something fall out of the sky and into the water, and how many claim to have seen nothing at all, I have to wonder: is it at all possible that on some prints of Cloverfield there is a falling object, and it's deliberately missing on others copies? Cloverfield has already arrived at the box office after months of staggering hype fueled by massive speculation on the Internet. Would it really be past Abrams and Reeves and the rest of Bad Robot - the same gang that gave us Lost and Alias, mind ya - to do something this devious with the final film itself, so as to "pour gasoline" on the already out-of-control wildfire that is Cloverfield?

What if some prints of Cloverfield have the monster crashing into the water, and other prints of the movie don't show it at all? It would then become a game of wondering which theaters have which prints of the film.

Hey, Clue did something like this way back in 1986, with multiple endings (I think there were 3 or 4 different endings and which one you saw depended on which theater you went to). It was quite an innovative gimmick at the time. Maybe that's what's up with Cloverfield.

Okay so, now I'm hoping someone else will write in and tell me: what did you see at the end of Cloverfield? Where and when did you see it exactly, too: was it at the very beginning of the final bit of the Coney Island footage, or is it elsewhere in that scene?

I guess I'll have to see this again sometime soon (hey, another reason to play tricks with the ending, eh? :-)

Friday, January 18, 2008


Let the word go forth: as of January 18th, in the year of our Lord Two Thousand and Eight, America finally has a cinematic mega-monster to call its very own.

Which is exactly what J.J. Abrams, the creator of Alias and Lost and the director of the upcoming Star Trek movie (and I also got to see a beautiful teaser for that before this started playing) intended when he set out to make Cloverfield. It was while in Japan that Abrams realized that his own country didn’t have a classic movie monster anything close to iconic as Godzilla is over there. And King Kong was too "adorable" as Abrams put it. He wanted a horrific force of nature that couldn't possibly be tamed, only confronted in the hopes that it could be destroyed. So Abrams hooked up with longtime collaborators Drew Goddard and Matt Reeves and told them his plan...

And now that Cloverfield has finally been released after months of crazy speculation, ever since that cryptic teaser in front of last summer’s Transformers, it must be asked: is Abrams's beastie on par with Godzilla as a mythic menace?

Yeah, I think it is. But I'll know for certain as soon as I can figure out just what the hell it is that I was looking at when I saw Cloverfield earlier today.

I'd wanted to catch Cloverfield last night at a midnight showing with my comrade-in-arms Phillip. Alas! The winter storm yesterday morning had turned the roads between here and Guilford County a bleak sheet of black ice. So Phillip went ahead and saw it. When he came back he was raving like mad about how good it is both in e-mail and in the review he wrote for his blog (and he says some things about Cloverfield a lot better than I probably could...). And then another friend told me that I had to see this as soon as possible. That settled it: after doing some errands I headed over to the Carousel Grande in Greensboro. And on the ride down U.S. 29, to kinda set the mood I played the Wallflowers's cover of "Heroes" from the 1998 Godzilla soundtrack on my new iPod. I know: bringing that particular movie up is baaaaaaad...

I have to agree with Phillip: Cloverfield is the first movie in recent memory that not only does not fail to live up to obscene hype, it wildly surpasses it. And I may have to see it again this weekend (provided we don't get the 3-4 inches of snow that the weather forecasters are now calling for tomorrow).

If you watched the teaser (which broke rules by itself in that it was the first teaser for a major motion picture that didn't reveal the title of the movie that it was advertising) then you already know much about how Cloverfield starts out. A group of friends in New York City is throwing a surprise party for Robert Hawkins (Michael Stahl-David), who's about to leave for Japan to take on a job as a vice-president of some big company there. And then, about twenty minutes into Cloverfield, all hell breaks loose. If the capsized oil tanker and massive explosion on the other side of town aren't enough to signify that Manhattan is in trouble, then the spectacle of watching the head of the Statue of Liberty crash out of the sky and onto the street will doubtless impress everyone with the severity of the situation.

Here's where Cloverfield differentiates itself from perhaps any other "big monster" movie that's been made: until the ground first starts shaking, I was so immersed in the story of Rob and his estranged girlfriend Beth (Odette Yustman) and their friends, that I completely forgot that I was watching a big-budget creature presentation. This is not a movie about a giant monster per se. The monster serves as the disaster in which we see these regular people go through the worst day of their lives and how we see them do some extraordinary things as a result. And instead of seeing it as a standard narrative, Cloverfield is told through the perspective of Rob's video camera, operated for most of the movie by Rob's friend Hud (a great character played by T.J. Miller, who brings both gravity and at times much-needed and well-delivered humor to the role).

Obviously, this choice of story conveyance brings a lot of comparisons between Cloverfield and The Blair Witch Project. But I think that Cloverfield might have pulled the trick off even better than the 1999 horror sensation did (and I say that as someone who has always liked The Blair Witch Project). The scene that really "does it" with Cloverfield is when we see Rob and his three friends taking shelter inside a subway station, and Rob has to share some heartbreaking news with someone on his cell phone. It's a scene that genuinely hurts the viewer to witness these friends have to share this tragic experience. It's not the monster itself that makes Cloverfield compelling viewing, but what happens to these characters as a result of the monster's wrecking havoc.

Don't be led to think that this means we get short-changed when it comes to actually seeing the monster in Cloverfield, because we do indeed get to view the creature up close. But this is not like the 1998 remake of Godzilla, where we hardly saw the title threat at all except for toward the end of the movie. The monster in Cloverfield is all over the place, even though Hud just barely misses catching the entire beast in his camera. Be kind to the man: he's shooting the footage while running for his life. It's a quite effective technique however, because we get lots of tantalizing glimpses of the monster (the creepiest might be when Hud is watching a news broadcast of the army fighting it and the thing starts dropping "dandruff" on the ground) that up the "wanna see" factor without over-doing it.

But as for the monster itself: I still have no idea what this thing is supposed to look like exactly. The various depictions made by artistically-inclined folk who have seen Cloverfield tend to suggest the general shape of the monster. But I've yet to see a single drawing or painting that completely nails it. The closest I can come up with in describing what the Cloverfield monster looks like, is to ask you to imagine the Kraken from Clash of the Titans with reverse-jointed legs so that it can walk on land. I can't even figure out whether the monster is supposed to be reptilian or amphibian, or something else entirely different. The one very good shot of the monster that we see is going to be in my nightmares for the next few nights, no doubt about it. The thing looks unnatural and unholy, as if it's a form of life that in a saner world would have no right to exist to begin with.

Where did the monster in Cloverfield originate? We aren't told at all, and there's no scientist who comes out in a white coat to explain to us where the creature came from or what it wants or how to get rid of it. But enough tantalizing info is spread here and there for the viewer to take a guess, albeit without knowing for sure whether that guess is anywhere close to being reasonably accurate. If you want to know what I think about it, here’s my theory...

SPOILER – highlight to read: The monster was in the "oil tanker", much like the 1976 King Kong remake. It had been found elsewhere - maybe near the offshore drilling station that's been talked about in the viral media promoting Cloverfield - and capturer: either by the Japanese corporation or the U.S. government. I think it was inside the ship and as it approached the terminal in New York City's harbor, it got loose. Why else would something like that turn up in New York City? It kinda makes sense when you think about it... END SPOILER

And so far as motive goes: there is no reason for why this monster is causing so much destruction. It's a natural calamity that cannot be reasoned with but only endured, in the hope that you’ll live to see tomorrow.

So much else that I could say about Cloverfield here. I am... extremely... overwhelmed by this movie and how it turned out. This is the movie that the 1998 Godzilla could have been and should have been. And I've come to realize that it was wrong to have even attempted to co-opt another country's classic monster character like that. With Cloverfield, American filmmaking has finally owned-up to that mistake.

And I also believe that film-makers would be wise to take note: Cloverfield represents, at last, the maturing of special effects as a true story-telling tool. A year ago Alfonso CuarĂ³n did much the same with Children of Men, which was a much more serious story. With Cloverfield, J.J. Abrams and his crew at Bad Robot have proven that it can be applied just as effectively to a blockbuster tent-pole motion picture event. For thirty years now most escapist film fare has relied on eye candy to deliver the goods and bring an audience to the box office. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I think it's safe to say after the past several years of relative stagnancy that audiences are no longer impressed with being visually wowed as much as they expect deeper storytelling. The Bad Robot team has wildly succeeded in that endeavor with Lost on television, and now with Cloverfield they have demonstrated that it can – and should – be sought in feature films, also. I for one will certainly be examining Cloverfield closely, because there is a great deal of good that I believe can be learned from it.

How harsh a movie is Cloverfield? If you're prone to motion-sickness, you might wanna take a Dramamine before going in to see this film, because the camera is quite shaky, as has been widely reported. But after a short while I was pretty comfortable with it. And visually there are a lot of images that you won't easily shake-off, including something very nasty that happens to one of the main characters later on in the movie that was one of the ugliest and most unexpected things that I've seen in a monster movie. But I didn't see anything that was as big a gross-out as, say, Kane's death in Alien. Cloverfield definitely qualifies as PG-13 material, even if it does edge perilously close to a hard-earned R on several occasions.

Cloverfield runs for an hour and a half. And if you're trying to figure out how all that footage could fit on one tape in a camcorder, paying attention to the very first moments of the movie will reveal that this is all being pulled from a flash-based memory card (maybe Rob's camcorder is one of the models that debuted at last week's Consumer Electronics Show?). It's just the right length of running time for this story, although I'm also eager to see any deleted scenes when the DVD comes out.

By the way, see that graphic of the Cloverfield one-sheet poster? I received a real copy of that when I attended Butt-Numb-A-Thon 9 last month in Austin, Texas. It's been in a cardboard tube ever since, just waiting to see if this movie was worth having it framed and hung up in my video production suite. After what I saw earlier today, I can say that I'll have no problem putting it on the wall tomorrow morning.

Cloverfield might be the best take I've ever seen on the "giant monster" movie genre. And this is an absolutely amazing film to get 2008 – which promises to be a spectacular year at the movies – off and running with. If at all possible, try to see this movie this weekend or sometime very soon.

By the way, so far as music goes there is no orchestral score for the movie itself at all. But Michael Giacchino has composed a majestic overture called "Roar!" that plays during the end credits. It's well worth sticking around to enjoy listening to, and I hope that it'll turn up on iTunes soon 'cuz I will gladly buy it to put on my iPod!

I'll give Cloverfield a score of 9 out of 10. And will also say that this merits buying on DVD the very first day that it comes out. And hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to buy an action figure of the monster to pose atop my computer, too.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Yes, it's true: REAL pics of the CLOVERFIELD monster are now online!

I've just seen it and it looks... interesting. There's yet to be a full-body shot of the creature but I think it's safe to say that some of the "artist depictions" that made their way through the blogosphere during the past few days seem to have been fairly accurate. I don't consider myself very much "spoiled" though 'cuz the pics don't give away too much apart from a vague silhouette and what looks to be lots of teeth. Consider me wonderfully tantalized, and I'm looking forward to seeing Cloverfield tomorrow that much more.

Oh, why am I not posting the pics here? Look, I've had enough "cease and desist" problems with Paramount's parent company Viacom to last me a long time (even though I did quite well on that one). I am not going to tempt fate here, 'cuz I understand that Paramount's legal department is already having websites who've published it to yank it fast. But now you know enough anyway: if you seriously want to see it, and if you're persistent enough, you'll no doubt be able to find it :-)

Thursday, November 22, 2007

New poster for CLOVERFIELD

About to get in a bit of a nap ('cuz you also gotta be wide-awake when you fry a turkey) but before doing that, courtesy of ComingSoon.net here is the new poster for Cloverfield:

And in case you've been following this movie and haven't heard already (like I did from Phillip Arthur), there is a slow-motion close-up of the brief glimpse of the monster that we see in the new trailer (the full version of which you can watch in Quicktime here... and is that a lot of linkage to put together or what? :-).

Monday, November 19, 2007

New CLOVERFIELD trailer!

No screencap 'cuz I wouldn't know what the heck to use for one. This movie is 2 months away and we still barely know anything about Cloverfield, the monster flick produced by J.J. Abrams. It's even an open question as to whether Cloverfield will be the final title or not! Anyhoo, if you (like me) have been salivating for the least bit of morsel about this movie ever since that strange-as-heck teaser that ran with Transformers back in July...

Mash down here for the Cloverfield trailer in lots of Quicktime including high-definition!