“The lesson that I learned from this is not to help people, because helping people is just going to get yourself in trouble,” McKinney said.McKinney's classmate Breana Crites was having an asthma attack during a gym class last month. Alyssa McKinney let Crites borrow her asthma inhaler. It might have saved Breana Crites' life, or at the very least kept her from being hospitalized.
But for that act of Good Samaritanship, Alyssa was placed on ten days' suspension (with the possibility of expulsion if the school "administration" judges she makes one measly further "mistake) and Crites was expelled for the rest of the year.
Superintendent John Borman had this to say...
“I think absolutely the suspension was appropriate.”People like B
They'll still be insisting "But we were only following orders" right up to the moment that they're thrown against the wall.
Tip o' the hat to Scott Bradford for directing our attention to this latest instance of public education insanity.