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Showing posts with label community colleges. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community colleges. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

North Carolina will let illegal immigrants enroll at community colleges

Last week North Carolina's State Board of Community Colleges voted to allow illegal immigrants to enroll at the many community colleges we have here.

Very, very wrong move. As Rockingham County's own Phil Berger Sr., the state Senate Minority Leader noted...

"This action is a slap in the face to legal North Carolina residents that desperately need access to the job training provided by our community colleges during the worst period of unemployment since the Great Depression."
But it's still worse than that. It's this kind of thing that encourages illegal immigration to begin with. And in my opinion that's not being a good neighbor to our friends across the border in Mexico. They have their own house to clean, just as we have our own that needs a lot of work. Sweetening the pot so that more people will be drawn here illegally to take advantage of our already over-burdened societal infrastructure is a detriment to the citizens here, and it does more damage to Mexico than most realize by bleeding away personnel that could otherwise be trying to make their own nation a better place to live.

All of that, and I have to wonder aloud how what is officially admitted to be illegal behavior is now being rewarded.