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Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label conservative. Show all posts

Monday, April 07, 2008

Christian radio attacks harmless student dress-up day

Wasn't there an episode of King of the Hill about this?

An elementary school in Wisconsin is under fire by a Christian radio network - the head of which seems to have nothing better to do with his time - because it hosted an event that encouraged students to dress as members of the opposite gender.

As part of Wacky Week at Pineview Elementary in Reedsburg, students were encouraged to dress as either senior citizens or members of the opposite sex. Which was all good and fine... until some busybody told the Voice of Christian Youth America about it. The radio network's director and host of nationally-syndicated show "Crosstalk" Jim Schneider promptly took to grandstanding. He said that "Our station is one that promotes traditional family values. It concerns us when a school district strikes at the heart and core of the Biblical values. To promote this to elementary-school students is a great error."

This move by Schneider was a cheap stunt that (a) demonstrates his ignorance and (b) makes Christians out to be a bunch of loons. What does it show the world when followers of Christ get this kind of honked-off angry about elementary students having some innocent fun?

Because in spite of what Schneider is claiming, this kind of thing has been going on since time immemorial. And with no ill effects, I might add. There has never been any "deviant agenda" in mind behind it. It's just a way for students to have fun and share in some camaraderie. I even remember it happening at my high school back in the day...

Johnny Yow, in drag for "Turn About Day" as part of Spirit Week at Rockingham County Senior High, circa 1991

(By the way, Johnny is one of the strongest and most sincere Christians that I've ever known.)

Between this, and the un-Christlike hatred one program on a "conservative Christian" radio station I found last week had for Barack Obama, I cannot but be convinced even more that too much of the Christianity around us is too obsessed with earthly matters. It is just as C.S. Lewis noted that some people go warning against "hobgoblins" that aren't really there, just to scare others into doing what they're told.

Well, if Christianity and western civilization is going to topple, I can assure you it won't be because some second-graders played "powder puff". And if some Christians are seriously afraid of that, then there was something very wrong with their faith to begin with.

(And there's something wrong with believing that unless we elect the "right politician" that Christianity is going to be destroyed, too. Yeah I'm looking at y'all over at WPIP, now that I know y'all are reading this blog...).

Saturday, May 12, 2007

My latest letter to the News & Record: ban political labels from the op-ed page

Here's the link to my latest letter to the editor of the News & Record. I had a wonderful conversation with Becky Layton in the editorial department a few days ago when she called to verify that I wrote this (standard procedure for letters to be published) and I said then that I'm very serious about this suggestion. The News & Record staff had a great idea when they started encouraging blogging and commenting on op-ed pieces. Now here's a chance to take it way on past the next level: ban all political labels, like "Democrat" and "Republican", "conservative" and "liberal", "right wing/left wing" etc.

Some will say that this will drastically limit the amount of material for the op-ed pages. No doubt that's true. But it will encourage serious, engaging and even polite debate about real ideas, instead of the partisan bickering that has become so anemic. And there are plenty of writers out there who do pursue ideas instead of ideology.

Words are like tools, or weapons: they can be used for good and they can be used for evil. But they should always be used with consideration and forethought. And if the News & Record would actually do this, it would not only be raising the bar and expectations (which is always a good thing) but it would become a real leading light in the field of the news media.

Anyway, you can read the letter at the link above, and leave a comment if you feel so led.