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Showing posts with label dachshunds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dachshunds. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Here is a new photo of Tammy!

Today was a very good day.  God answered prayer and provided for my needs in a mighty and powerful way.  I am going to bed tonight thankful for His provision and for the people He used to accomplish it with.

And since it's been awhile since I've posted a pic of her, here is my miniature dachshund Tammy making a German spectacle of herself.  How shameless!

Sunday, July 08, 2018

Haven't posted any new pics of Tammy in awhile...

Here she is this morning, not wanting to get out of bed:

That's her favorite blanket that's been pulled off from over her.  Dad would throw it over himself as he leaned back in his recliner and Tammy would jump in his lap then burrow herself completely under the blanket and they would nap together.  It's gone all over America with her.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Here's a photo of a Dachshund family

My favorite breed...

Maybe if Tammy the Pup will stand still long enough, I can get her to pose for a picture that sweet :-)

Photo credit goes to @TheDoxieteers (Cindy, Pepsi and Misty) on Instagram.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tammy wants to sing to you...

Behold her beautiful singing voice!

Been too long since I've posted any pics of Tammy.  I happened to catch her right in the midst of one of her yawns (which, it must be said, sound hilariously cute):

Friday, December 19, 2014

Currently going through a bout of depression...

Actually, it's a rapid-cycling episode that's been going on for the past two days.  I woke up yesterday morning, remembered that Dad was gone, went into sadness that suddenly plummeted into clinical depression (something that lacks any emotion whatsoever) and then got catapulted into a bout of mania where the sadness returned, got escalated beyond my ready grasp of things, and threw me into a somewhat paranoid state of mind.

This has been going on and off for the past 36 hours now.

So I'm looking forward to working backstage during tonight's performance of Theatre Guild of Rockingham County's production of It's A Wonderful Life: The Musical.  Three more performances this weekend: tonight, tomorrow night also at 7:30 and then Sunday afternoon at 2:30.  Being involved in something like community theatre helps immensely, whether I'm on-stage or behind the scenes.  That's a really special group of people I get to collaborate with and it means a lot to have so much depending on me and on each other.

Speaking of the theatre guild, I'm planning on auditioning for a few more shows coming up.  It'll be the first time in four years that I would be on the stage.  One certain show has a particular role that I've got my eyes on bigtime, and everyone I've told it to have said: "Chris, that role fits you perfectly."  Let's just say that this character has issues and I've got issues and figure it out from there :-)

Okay well, in addition to the theatre the past few weeks (I don't know what's gonna happen when the production ends on Sunday, it's been so much fun!) there's been Tammy the Pup.  And I haven't posted nearly enough photos of her lately so here she is, my little girl...

I was lucky to catch her in one of her calmer moments :-)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

It's the shifty-eyed Tammy Tuesday!

Zoinks!!  This week's Tammy Tuesday feature went down to the wire!  It's 11:56 p.m. when I'm finally able to getting to post it.

Well, don't let it be said that I'm not the Hardest Working Man in the Blogosphere(tm)!  Here's a low-angle shot of Tammy, leering at the camera over the top of her doggie bed...

Tammy, dachshunds, dogs

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday is all wrapped up

Several months ago I came across a long piece of scrap fabric from my Children of Eden costume.  It seemed like something Tammy would enjoy playing with.  Ever since, there hasn't been a day that goes by when we haven't had a tug-of-war with it (and you would not believe how such a little dog can yank something soooo hard).

Here's Tammy in one of her quieter moments with it, as she chews happily on a piece of deer antler...

Tammy, miniature dachshund, dog

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tammy Tuesday this week is brew-ing up trouble

So Tammy decided she wanted to try some beer...

She ultimately decided that she didn't like it.  After one whiff of the bottle, she ran away from it as hard as she could!  Wish I could have gotten that on camera.

A friend made an observation: what kind of a German dog wouldn't enjoy beer?  I think the photo speaks for itself: it's light beer that Tammy recoiled from, not a dark hearty pint of true ale.

Incidentally, with all of the interest in home-brewing lately, I'm considering making some beer myself.  The thing is, I've never been able to develop a taste for the stuff.  So I figured that'll be one hobby which if I'm bad at, I'll never have to know...

Tuesday, July 09, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday proved elusive

I tried, really tried, to snap a photo of Tammy wearing my new sunglasses.  But she adamantly refused to cooperate.

So here she is running around the house, sneaking under the dining room table, no doubt looking for trouble...

I know: pretty disappointing as a photo.  Maybe she'll give us a better show next week.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Tammy Tuesday this week is too snug and cozy to care

I snapped this picture of Tammy at about 4:30 in the morning.  On most nights she jumps onto the recliner and pulls this blanket over herself and goes to sleep.  On this particular morning she woke up, looked around, didn't see anything to get interested in for the moment, and then pulled her head back under the covers and went back to dozing...

dachshund, dog, Tammy

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's a sunbathing pup as Tammy Tuesday returns!

All right gang, I'm gonna try to get back into the swing of things on this blog.  First up: another dose of that very-cute-but-terribly-mischievous miniature dachshund, Tammy.  Who has lately demonstrated that she's getting much better behaved!  If only she wouldn't jump out of nowhere to bite at my ankles every so often...

So today I took her outside so she could do her "doggie business" and the first thing she wanted to do was head to her favorite place in the yard.  I don't know what it's allure is, but there's this one little area of lawn that Tammy will go to, lay down and often roll on her back and enjoy the warmth of the sun shining on it.  I guess it's just her "layin' spot".

Here she is enjoying the early summer sunshine...

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It's not a Tuesday... but here's Tammy anyway!

The girlfriend reminded me late last night that I had missed posting a Tammy Tuesday this week.  And then earlier tonight she told me again.  So you can direct thanks to Kristen for kicking me in the tail and getting a new pic of my mini dachshund up for your viewing pleasure :-)

This week, nothing too special.  Just a photo I took with the iPad of Tammy in my lap, as I tried to get her to hold still...

There may be some more pics of her out and about town next week. We'll see :-)

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday guest stars "Weird" Ed Woody!

Hey gang, been a mite busy on this end of things, but don't let that stop us from having our weekly does of mini dachshund hijinks!

This past weekend my longtime friend and filmmaking partner "Weird" Ed Woody came to visit.  And it so happened that this was the very first time that he and Tammy have had a chance to meet.  I was outside with her when he pulled into the driveway and had my camera with me, so I got to record their first-ever encounter...

It took Tammy awhile to get used to somebody so new...

 ...but it wasn't long before she really took on to Ed, as you can tell :-)

Incidentally, Ed and I discussed our next film project.  It's gonna be the first one we've done in quite some time.  Maybe we should give Tammy a cameo?

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday is a warm fuzzy welcome home

Kristen and I spent the entire weekend at the Outer Banks.  We really enjoyed ourselves and already are planning what to do the next time we visit.  When we do I'm bound and determined to go hand-gliding on Jockey's Ridge. But even without that this time, the trip was a neat lil' adventure.

And when we got back home Tammy was waiting for us.  As much fun as we had, I really did miss my lil' mini dachshund. And I think Tammy was happy to see us too...

Tammy, Kristen, dog, miniature dachshund

The next time y'all see Kristen and Tammy in a photo together, it might also include Kristen's cat Zoe. We're trying to figure out when would be a good time to introduce her and Tammy to each other.

And it was two years ago today that Kristen and I had our first date!  Hey, a sweet and beautiful girlfriend and a mischievous little wiener dog: what more could a guy ask for? :-)

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday(?) only wants to help!

Didn't get to post an installment of Tammy Tuesday yesterday 'cuz of too much stuff that came crashing down all at once.  Hey I enjoy blogging but it's not like this is my full-time career, right?

Forget I asked that.

It's a day late but no less cute: here's Tammy trying her best to assist Dad in the kitchen as he looks for cookware...

Tammy, miniature dachshund, dog

Truth be told, I think Tammy enjoys eating the food more than she does actually preparing it :-P

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday is all tired out

Tammy in one of her all-too-rare quiet moments...

Miniature dachshunds might be small... but they more than make up for it in hyper-activity!  If you are contemplating getting one, you'll love them like nothing else... but you'll also come to appreciate those fleeting minutes of rest and quiet :-)

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Tammy Tuesday this week is a hyper dog

Tammy found herself last week at one of my favorite places: HyperMind in nearby Burlington!  So while the place was packed with people playing Magic: The Gathering, Settlers of Cataan and several other games there was this cute lil' miniature dachshund running up and down the store.  I think everyone stopped what they were doing to give her a pat on the head or a tummy rub and a lucky few even got their faces licked!

Here's Tammy with HyperMind's owner and manager Denise...

Tammy, HyperMind, miniature dachshund, dogs

Tammy is getting to travel around quite often lately. I'll be sure to photographically document her exploits and post them here in the future :-)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday is a case of equine envy!

Poor Tammy.  Ever since I brought her home last year, she has often sat alongside the horse pasture next to our land and watched the horses.  I can't help but think that deep down, she believes she's going to grow up to be that big someday, too!

Tammy, miniature dachshund, dog, horse

I always tell her that she doesn't need to be a horse and I wouldn't want her to be one either! I mean, a horse can't snuggle up next to you on a sofa while you read a book. It can't play with you indoors. It can't sit patiently at the dinner table with those irresistibly cute eyes waiting for a tasty morsel of steak or barbecue chicken.  It can't lay against your bedroom door as you sleep at night, guarding you against monsters and the bogey-man.

And for my money, I think a miniature dachshund can outrun a horse any day!  For short distances anyway :-)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

This week's Tammy Tuesday is LIVE! IN COLOR!

It's the first ever video for Tammy Tuesday!  A coupl'a weeks ago my mini dachshund Tammy wound up at my cousin's house nearby for a play date with her sister and litter-mate Sassy.

So here are two miniature dachshunds running around and playing with an adorable little girl on a spring day.  If this blog had any more sweetness in one post, I'd have to offer free insulin!  By the way, Tammy is the dachshie with the red collar...

If Tammy can be still enough I'll try to post more videos of her soon :-)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tammy Tuesday this week is love at first sight!

Last week my mini dachshund Tammy became one year old!  I don't care what her age is: she'll forever be my baby.  I'm always calling her "Tammy the pup" (okay, along with other nicknames like "Tammy the Troublemaker", "Tammy the Terror", "Tammy the Tripper" and too many others to count...)

But this week marks the one-year anniversary of the first time she and I met.  And the first time my eyes fell on her, I was madly in love with that fuzzy little ball of concentrated cuteness!

So I thought that for this installment of Tammy Tuesday, I'd post photos of that very first encounter between Tammy and I...

Tammy and her litter-mates

It was four weeks later that I got to bring her home. Y'all can't imagine how eager I was to have at long last a female miniature dachshund to run around the place :-)

I still can't get used to that mischievous little grin she's always had.  Even since that first meeting, Tammy has looked like she's smiling.  Or smirking.  Or something.  She certainly lives up to it!

Well, it's been one year with my girl.  Here's looking forward to many more to come ! :-)