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Showing posts with label david tennant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label david tennant. Show all posts

Monday, September 25, 2023

Trailer for Doctor Who sixtieth anniversary specials

Doctor Who needs a hard and fresh return to the franchise that that we know and love, above and away from the mess of the Thirteenth Doctor era (which if we're going to be honest really can't be pinned on Jodie Whittaker, she was just working with some really bad material).

I don't know if that's what is coming in the next few months with the specials commemorating the show's sixtieth anniversary (seems like just yesterday we were celebrating its fiftieth) but the pics and the new trailer that dropped over the weekend have me warefully optimistic.

The last time we saw The Doctor, she (ugh!) had regenerated - clothes and all - into a perfect facscimile of the Tenth Doctor, once again played by David Tennant.  However the showrunners seem to insist that Tennant is playing the Fourteenth Doctor.  Which means this is really Tennant's fourth or fifth character with the Tenth Doctor's face he's portrayed since 2005 (just work with me 'mkay?).

So going into the sixtieth anniversary specials it will be David Tennant as... Doctor Who-ever... and joining him is none other than Donna Noble, again played by the delightful Catherine Tate!  Although one seems to remember that last time we saw The Doctor and Donna together it was made clear that they couldn't see each other again.

Clearly, the BBC is throwing caution to the wind...

Here's the trailer for the specials, which materialized about 48 hours ago:

And at last, the BBC is confirming that Neil Patrick Harris, who had long already been announced as being in the specials, is going to be playing The Toymaker: a villain not seen since the William Hartnell era in 1966.

Is it just me, or does Harris as The Toymaker seem poised to chew up the scenery more than any Who bad guy since Davros?

The big celebration kicks off in November.  And I'm very much hoping we get at least a fleeting cameo of Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor.

Saturday, January 03, 2009

And the Eleventh Doctor will bear the face of... Matt Smith!

Matt Smith, who at age 26 will be the youngest person ever to take on the role, will be the next actor to portray the Doctor on Doctor Who, the BBC announced today.

This will be the eleventh incarnation of the Doctor since the series began all the way back in November 1963. Smith will take over from David Tennant, who has been playing the Doctor since the finale of the revived series's first season in 2005. Presumably the changeover will happen during the Christmas special a little less than a year from now.

In case you're wondering how this happens, the Doctor is a Time Lord from Gallifrey and whenever his current body gets too old or injured (or there's a contract dispute with the BBC) he has the ability to "regenerate": giving him a new body and usually a slightly different personality. So it's been the same Doctor ever since the beginning, just different versions of the guy.

And already, even before regeneration takes place, Matt Smith faces potentially more than any other Doctor before him. There's River Song who odds are good he'll finally "meet for the first time" now that Steven Moffat will be running the show. But on a more sinister note it has been rumored that Moffat wants to address the nasty business of the Valeyard now that we're getting Doctor #11.

What do I think of Matt Smith as the Doctor? I really don't know anything about him. But I definitely believe he looks like a potentially good Doctor. We shall see, beginning this coming December! :-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

David Tennant quits DOCTOR WHO!

David Tennant, whose madcap mixture of deadly seriousness and clownish buffoonery endeared millions to his portrayal of the Doctor on Doctor Who, is leaving the show after three seasons, it's being reported tonight.

Tennant will remain for four upcoming Doctor Who specials, including the now-traditional Christmas special, which were already scheduled in lieu of a regular season for the show in 2009 (in order to accommodate the sellout performances of Hamlet that Tennant has been enjoying on the London stage).

But after that, at the end of 2009, expect Tennant's Tenth Doctor to regenerate and another actor - the eleventh since the show began in 1963 - to take over the role. It will also coincide with the beginning of Stephen Moffatt's reign as showrunner.

As an aside, I'm starting to understand what it's usually like for a Doctor Who fan to have the departure of a Doctor happening on a semi-regular basis. First it was Christopher Eccleston a few years ago, and now Tennant. But as the Doctor would be the first to note, change is the one universal constant, is it not?

Okay so... anyone wanna guess who'll be the next to pilot the TARDIS?