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Showing posts with label death star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label death star. Show all posts

Friday, January 14, 2011

Death Star Cookie Jar

Yet another entry to be filed under "Things We Don't Really Need But Are Badly Lusting For"...

Available exclusively through the Official Star Wars Website, for $49.99 you can be the proud owner of the Death Star Cookie Jar! According to the product description...
The exclusive Death Star cookie jar is built to hold an Imperial army of your favorite cookies, and can even double as a festive ice cooler or candy bowl at your next Star Wars soiree. Made of sculpted ceramic with great detail and features a flat base to keep your Death Star from rolling off the counter. Oh, and no exposed thermal exhaust ports for hungry young rebels.
I might have to get this for Dad, to go along with the Darth Vader spatula that I got him for Christmas :-)

(Hat tip to Phillip Arthur for the great find!)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The $400 Star Wars LEGO Death Star

Gizmodo has high-res photos of the upcoming Death Star from LEGO's Star Wars collection. With almost four thousand pieces and setting your wallet back $400, this station is now the ultimate power in the universe (or at least your living room floor, which is the only place big enough to build this technological terror)...It comes with a staggering 25 minifigs and droids, and re-creates 14 scenes from the original Star Wars trilogy.

And I must be a very good boy between now and Christmas, because if I tried to bring this thing into the house on my own Lisa would kill me.

EDIT 9:30 p.m. EST: Lisa took one look at that picture, and promptly said "No!"

I suppose she's right. We've got enough Star Wars LEGO models around the place anyway. At least I've got the Millennium Falcon and AT-AT Walker, not to mention Slave I: what more could a guy need? :-P