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Showing posts with label destruction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destruction. Show all posts

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Rest in peace RCA Dome

I just read on TheForce.net that yesterday in Indianapolis, Indiana the RCA Dome was imploded by demolition crews. The previous home turf of the Indianapolis Colts, the RCA Dome adjoined the Indianapolis Convention Center. That was the site of Star Wars Celebration II in 2002 and Celebration III in 2005. I attended both. The events never went inside the RCA Dome, but as we walked past the glass doors that opened into the floor level of the arena, we got to oggle it plenty. I remember the Saturday morning of Celebration II, there was a wild rumor that they were going to open up the RCA Dome that evening for an advance showing of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones following the Star Wars concert. The showing didn't happen, but it was sure fun to imagine all those die-hard geeks assembled in the RCA Dome to watch it. Good times!

Here's video of the implosion. I love this kind of stuff! All those timed explosions going off just right, making it so the building falls in on itself from its own weight. There's a bloody science to implosions and... in its own way it's a profound thing of beauty.

By the way, in case you're wondering (which I was too) the Indianapolis Convention Center itself did not get destroyed also! This is making way for an expansion to the convention center (perhaps in time for Star Wars Celebration V?) and the Indianapolis Colts are now playing in the brand-new Lucas Oil Stadium.