So far, one for tonight's hasn't appeared.
Could it be that Drudge is afraid that his poll will show what a lot of others (heck, most others) are showing: intense support for Ron Paul?
I'm going to wait for awhile tonight, and see if he does run one. If he doesn't, I'll have some more thoughts about what this means Drudge has become.
EDIT 11:04 p.m. EST: Okay, here's what I think...
For all the hooplah ever since Drudge burst on the scene about ten years about being "alternative media", Matt Drudge has... well, become too much like mainstream media.
Let me put it another way: the "new media" that Drudge represents has turned out to be old media with slicker tactics.
"Alternative media" was supposed (we were told so anyway) to be an empowering of ideas that had never been given their fair share of exposure, because of a near-monopoly on the airwaves, the press etc. that the "liberal media" enjoyed for so long. Rush Limbaugh declared himself a spokesman for the unrepresented (Limbaugh would say mis-represented) "conservative" Americans. Fox News Channel boldly proclaimed that it would be "fair and balanced".
It's ten years and more later. And "alternative media" stands as corrupted and of foul purpose as the "liberal mainstream media" it's supplanting. Because it has the very same goal as old media: the pursuit of power over people... especially their minds.
Matt Drudge is trying to control people's perception of things as much as CBS or CNN or any other "mainstream" press outlet, by refusing to be consistent and running a post-debate poll that he knows would most likely have Ron Paul winning handily.
And this being the Internet, I and anyone else get to call him out on it.
EDIT 11:32 p.m. EST: Want another example? Here's Fox News' story about the debate. It doesn't mention Paul or a few other candidates that were on stage tonight.