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Showing posts with label eden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eden. Show all posts

Friday, August 27, 2010

Elvis spotted at Sheetz in Eden, North Carolina this evening

I wasn't going to make a blog post this late but I was still up working on stuff and this report came from a longtime trusted source. And as this blog has become one of - if not the most - viewed and respected sources of reliable information about Rockingham County matters, I would be remiss in my duties if I did not pass along the following...

The title pretty much says it all: Elvis Presley, the King of Rock and Roll who allegedly died in 1977, was witnessed at the Sheetz in Eden just a few short hours ago.

Sightings of Elvis are not unheard of in Rockingham County but this is the first time in more than a decade and a half that Elvis has been verified as being in the area. Previously Elvis had been riding around in a white stretch limo, including one visit to a convenience store in Ridgeway, Virginia in 1993 that was authenticated by the News & Record out of Greensboro.

If anyone else spots Elvis in the vicinity, send your report to theknightshift@gmail.com. 'Course it goes without saying that photos will be especially welcome!

Monday, February 08, 2010

Did Charles Roark cost Rockingham County 60 well-paying jobs?

So a fairly well-known company was considering locating a facility in Rockingham County that would have put around sixty people to work in positions with good pay.

And then some of their management happened to catch a few days' worth of WGSR Star 47. In particular The Local Buzz with WGSR general manager Charles Roark. Even more particular: a number of recent broadcasts in which Roark was encouraging viewers to talk about their sex lives.

It gave this area a bad enough impression, that those jobs aren't coming now.

I've been sitting on this for a few weeks but didn't have enough confirmation of it until this afternoon. One source told me that WGSR's being the sole televised media outlet for the county made us "out to be slackjawed idiots".

Call it a classic case of one bad apple ruining the whole bushel.

By the way, ever notice how Roark will do his damndest to get callers to talk about their sex lives, but he never talks about his own?

Curious, that...

Way more coming in due time. I'm sitting on too much material that deserves to be unloaded before I move on to bigger and better things (hopefully sooner than later).

Thursday, January 21, 2010

James Oldfield is FULL of crap tonight!

How long has it been since I've posted about those lunatics from the local "Church of Christ" cult? Awhile, at least.

Time to have some fun with them again...

Earlier tonight it was Micah Robertson talking about satanic sex (bear in mind that this is the same young man who recently went on a weeks-long spate obsessing about Abraham's libido) and Mark McMinnis, who for once didn't do his whiny act about "...those Baptists made me lose my job in Danville schools!"

But it was the 9 p.m. show with James Oldfield that was so rife with hypocrisy that I literally laughed out loud too many times to count.

James Oldfield - the second banana and second cousin of cult leader Johnny Robertson - ranted for the entire hour about... some caller last week, apparently... who was insisting that Jesus had to be referred to by a specific name in order to be saved. Oldfield actually condemned this man's insistence upon ritualistic salvation demanding the following "right" methods as being "twisted" and perverted.

For James Oldfield or anyone from this cult to damn anyone for believing in doing a certain thing to be saved... is like King Kong condemning Curious George for being a monkey.

James Oldfield, Johnny Robertson, Mark McMinnis, and Robertson the Lesser don't do anything BUT damn EVERYONE ELSE for not following Christ as "they" think is proper. Funny thing: for all the airtime they have on WGSR, they have never done anything to show that they follow Christ. They can't even prove that they're in a real church anyway: they spend all their time knocking others.

Oldfield and his droogs don't want salvation by grace. They want salvation by religion: their religion. They are enslaved to their own works and their fallen nature demands that they enslave others even more cruelly.

It was almost hilarious to behold. But I was also reminded of what another James - namely James, the brother of our Lord - would have to say about James Oldfield of the Eden Church of Christ...

"...he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does."

-- James 1:8

'Course, that could be said of everyone in the evil cult that is Johnny Robertson's "Church of Christ".

(And why is Johnny condemning Martinsville cable channel BTW when he himself is doing business with a s***** d******? B******* perhaps?)

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Rockingham County getz a Sheetz!

Sheetz opened its first (and hopefully not last) location in Rockingham County this past week, located in Eden at Van Buren Road and Stadium Drive (it's right next door to King's Inn Pizza for those of y'all familiar with local geography). I paid my first visit to the new place today and was delighted to get another of their scrumptious Italian sandwiches. Up 'til now I've had to go to Greensboro or High Point for the nearest Sheetz. Now there's one just 20 minutes away! And like all the other Sheetz stores it's open 24 hours, 365 days a year.

So since this is about Sheetz, like the other two times I've posted on this blog about this company here's that "Feel The Love" commercial that's been running all summer...

And then there's this other commercial from a few years ago for the chain, that shamelessly apes televangelism...

Anyhoo, if you're in the area there's a new place for great food whenever you get the munchies. Check 'em out!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

King's Inn Pizza Parlor in Eden, North Carolina

Thursday night I had a hankerin' for pizza. But not just any pizza, mind ya. No my friends: I was getting ready to go out for the night on a very special mission, that might involve some danger. And I wanted an extra-special meal to fill me up before I set out on my quest.

So I called up King's Inn Pizza Parlor in Eden and ordered a pepperoni pizza for take-out...

King's Inn is, without any doubt, one of the best pizza joints that I've ever been to in my entire life. If there had been time, I would have no doubt sat down at at table and enjoyed the place, 'cuz the atmosphere is terrific and the staff is wonderful. Bill, the owner of the place, greets you when you come in and he seems to always remember who you are no matter how long it's been since you've been there. There's also a jukebox and some arcade games, adding to the family feel of the place.

The pizza itself is a work of art. I don't know how it is that the King's Inn guys do it, but it's the most perfectly crunchy pizza crust that I think I've ever had: not too doughy and not too stiff. Everything is toasted finely throughout. I've also had salad there and it's just as great.

I've been meaning to do a write-up about King's Inn Pizza for awhile now, but never found time for it. Now I get to make up for it, and tell y'all how great a place it is. Absolutely to be recommended if you want some of the greatest (many swear it is the greatest) pizza in the land.

King's Inn Pizza Parlor is located at 112 N Van Buren Road in Eden, North Carolina.