The man is responsible for a lot of well known songs. One of the local stations played "Sundown" around lunch today. There are a few others he did too.
But the main subject of this post is about one that's especially dear to me.
I was almost two and a half years old when Gordon Lightfoot released his haunting ballad "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald". The song came out several months after the loss of the largest ship on the Great Lakes in a fierce November storm. It was featured on Lightfoot's album Summertime Dream as well as getting a single release.
Dad bought the 8-track of Summertime Dream. And his favorite song from it must have been "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald". I know this because I heard it so many times that it got impressed in my young memory. That song is the earliest one I can recall knowing the sound and words of. I very clearly and distinctly remember the sound of it, listening to it as I played with my toys in the living room.
The runner-up has to be The Chipmunks Christmas Volume 2. And there were a few others that come to mind. But "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald" was my first "grown-ups" song. And Lightfoot himself was the first musical artist that I remember the name of. I know because I asked Dad what was he listening to and he told me "Gordon Lightfoot".
Don't know much else what to say with this post. Except that I tweeted this last night, and it seemed right that I put it on my blog too.
So here is "The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald".
Thanks for the good memories Mr. Lightfoot.