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Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fashion. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

"Mantyhose"?! What the...?!?

Folks, what I'm about to show you is so disturbing, some might even call it so obscene, that for the first time in The Knight Shift's history I am NOT going to show it to you outright. Instead I am at last going to make use of the "jump break" feature, and give you the choice of whether or not you really want to look at this aberration from the natural order of the universe.

(And in case you're wondering, blame falls on my girlfriend Kristen for finding this. It wasn't me who stumbled upon it, honest!)

Ready? Brace yourself...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Today's proof that fashion is dead

I have been thinking for awhile now that the traditional sense of fashion is dying before our very eyes. Mostly it's the fault of the Internet, that Great Leveler of Culture and Identity. Control of journalism and the entertainment industry is now becoming a thing in the hands of the average person... and it was only a matter of time before clothing style also became dictated by You and Me, instead of designers in New York and Paris.

But that doesn't mean that those who have been trying to tell us what is "in" are going down without a fight. Witness these... outfits... from a show in Paris yesterday:

The lady on the left is hopeless on a dinner date because of the chainmail covering her mouth. While the one on the right looks too much like a botanical reproductive organ.

I have to ask aloud: Who the hell actually WEARS stuff like this?!

See more wacky Parisian "fashion" here.