Doesn't seem to be any dearth of weird news this past month. In the latest bizarro story, a Beverly Hills doctor is accused of running his Ford SUV and his girlfriend's Lincoln Navigator with fat that he liposuctioned from patients. The doctor in question, Craig Alan Bittner, supposedly even bragged on his website that he had pioneered the creation of "lipodiesel". He's now in trouble with several former patients who allege that he disfigured them.
Maybe there's a silver lining to this strange situation. With a vast segment of the population dangerously obese, and there being such a demand for both environmentally and economically-sound energy, maybe "lipodiesel" is the silver bullet that can wipe out a whole slew of problems plaguing this country! We've all heard the old phrase "You are what you eat"? Maybe it's time for "You are what you drive"!