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Showing posts with label general motors. Show all posts
Showing posts with label general motors. Show all posts

Monday, June 01, 2009

Does this guy even know how to change a tire?

Meet Brian Deese.

This is who President Obama has put in charge of disassembling General Motors.

He's 31 years old.

He's "a not-quite graduate of Yale Law School".

He had never visited an automobile plant until he got tapped by the Obama Administration.

Again, this is the guy that President Barack Obama has put in charge of the GM bankruptcy.

Does Mr. Deese know anything about the automotive industry? I mean, if he's gonna be overhauling one of the largest manufacturing companies in American history, he should have some real-world experience in management or engineering or something... right?

(Let me put it another way: What the HELL does Obama think he's doing?!?)

Mash down here for the rest of the story of Mr. Deese, that in a saner age would have never happened...

General Motors files for bankruptcy, taxpayers having to bail it out

Read about it here.

So... who's gonna be the first to buy a car manufactured by the U.S. federal government?

(crickets chirping...)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Obama forces out General Motors CEO

I said Friday afternoon that I was leaving the blog until Monday. Anytime I take a respite, I'm serious about it. And it's gonna take something really damned bad to drag me back here.

If this ain't bad enough, then I sure as hell don't know what is...

President Barack Obama has effectively FIRED Rick Wagoner, the CEO of General Motors.

What this means is that the United States federal government has pretty much nationalized and taken over a private company. It's likely not going to be called that officially, but the policy is still the same.

Has a President of the United States ever done anything like this, in the history of this country? Certainly not in recent memory. The closest I can think of is what happened between Ronald Reagan and the air traffic controllers' union... but not Reagan or any other President in living recollection ever seized enough control of a company to call the shots about who it hires.

Scary stuff.