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Showing posts with label guillermo del toro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label guillermo del toro. Show all posts

Friday, July 12, 2013

Review of PACIFIC RIM: this summer's most fun movie yet!

Pacific Rim, movie, poster, Guillermo del Toro, kaiju, jaeger
Pacific Rim is the most thoughtful and personal film of the kaiju genre since the original Gojira in 1954.  It is also one of the remarkably few that give the kaiju themselves their proper respect.

Consequently, it's an insanely fun movie which more than deserves your hard-earned entertainment coin!

Those movies about giant monsters?  Well, the creatures themselves are "kaiju" (Japanese for "giant beast") and few things have been sillier for me to watch in a movie than for those critters to develop "cute" personalities or to clash one-on-one a'la "good guy fights bad guy".  To me, that's not true kaiju.  A real kaiju film is about massive beasts being not characters at all... but instead, being unstoppable forces of nature.  Something above mortal concepts of good and evil.  A good kaiju film should be at its heart a disaster movie, not a monster movie.  Something that focuses on people and how they face the direness of the situation: sometimes in the right way, sometimes wrong.

That's what Gojira (what us Yanks know better as Godzilla) was.  Indeed, that movie upped the ante by being serious political commentary by the Japanese about nuclear weapons, less than a decade after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Practically no movie since has presented the kaiju as a thing which cannot be reasoned or negotiated with, or portrayed the human desperation which comes with that.  Indeed, to the best of my knowledge only J.J. Abrams' Cloverfield (2008) has really hit the kaiju sweet spot.

But now comes Guillermo del Toro (Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth) with Pacific Rim.  And finally we have again the kaiju genre at its very best.  I won't be surprise if wind up catching it again twice - at least - during its theatrical run.  Pacific Rim is everything a summer blockbuster movie could be... nay, should be.  Of all the movies I've seen this summer so far, Pacific Rim easily tops my list of most enjoyable thus far.

It's the near future.  A rupture in the tectonic plates deep in the Pacific Ocean has caused a portal to open between Earth's universe and somewhere else.  Unfortunately things are coming through that portal.  Big things.  The first Kaiju (as they come to be called, and you pronounce it "kI-joo") arises off the California shore and beats the slats out of San Francisco, destroys the Golden Gate Bridge (for the second time this summer: does this movie and Star Trek Into Darkness have a beef with that town or something?) and kills untold thousands before finally being stopped with a tactical nuke.  Unfortunately that Kaiju is just the first of a wave of ungodly monsters striking throughout the Pacific Ocean and bordering countries: Manila, Sydney, Tokyo and more all fall to the Kaiju.

In response humanity pools its technology and develops the Jaegers (pronouced "Yay-gurs", German for "hunters"): gigantic robots dwarfing the size of most skyskrapers.  Highly articulate, heavily armored and loaded with the latest mega-ordnance, the Jaegers are meant to be mankind's best defense against the Kaiju.  Two pilots are needed to control the Jaegers: each neural-linked to each other in a process called "Drifting".  When joined, the two pilots share their thoughts and memories and act as a coordinated team as the "brain" of the Jaegers.  And pretty soon the pilots come to be treated not just as worldwide heroes, but as global celebrities like athletes and rock stars.

Raleigh Becket (Charlie Hunnam) and his brother Yancey (Diego Klattenhoff) are two Jaeger pilots, driving an American Jaeger named Gipsy Danger.  They are two of the very best, and nobody "Drifts" as well as the Brothers Becket.  But after Yancey is killed during a battle in Alaska, Raleigh leaves the program: thrown into trauma and shock from still being connected to Yancey as he dies.

Five years later, Raleigh Becket has thrown himself among the crews laboring to build an enormous sea wall along the American coast.  He is approached by Stacker Pentecost: the commanding officer of the Jaeger program (and intensely played by Idris Elba).  Seems that with Kaiju attacks getting harder to counter, the sponsoring governments are coming to see the Jaegers as a waste of precious resources (including food, worldwide supplies of which have become horrendously strained by Kaiju attacks) and want to pull the plug.  Pentecost starts to pool the remaining Jaegers and all available pilots to a base near Hong Kong.  Meanwhile the Kaiju are starting to come through the portal with increasing frequency.  They are also getting bigger, stronger, and smarter.

I lost count of the number and kinds of Kaiju rampaging through Pacific Rim.  They are each given code-names, but they are mostly known as being "Category 3" and "Category 4" much like hurricanes are in the real world.  What was far more memorable and entertaining were the Jaegers and their pilots: Raleigh Becket, the father/son Australian team of Herc and Chuck Hansen (Max Martini and Robert Kazinsky) driving Striker Eureka, the Chinese Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha hailing from Russia.  Rinko Kikuchi plays Mako Mori: a young woman who desires to co-pilot a Jaeger but who Pentecost is reluctant to put in the cockpit.  These characters and others were what gave Pacific Rim the much-enjoyable heart and soul beneath its monstrous metal and flesh: watching the camaraderie and even rivalry between the Jaeger pilots.  Seeing how some have turned dead Kaiju organs into highly lucrative items for black market sale, notably underground merchant Hannibal Chou (Ron Perlman, always a pleasure to behold especially as someone starting to show serious chops as villains lately).  And especially the moments of humor perfectly delivered by a "mad scientist" duo of Kaiju researchers played by Charlie Day and Burn Gorman.

But hey, chances are strong that you're going into Pacific Rim wanting to look at giant monsters and robots beating the crap out of each other.  We get that in spades with Pacific Rim.  The battles between the Kaiju and the Jaegers are easily the most devastating and realistic ever portrayed on film: think of what we saw in The Avengers last year and then in Star Trek Into Darkness and Man of Steel this summer, combined, multiplied by twelve (did Farmers, Progressive and Nationwide miss out on some marketing tie-in opportunities or what?).  The action spans the width and breadth... and depth... of the Pacific basin.  This ain't your granddaddy's "man in rubber suit" monster movie, but it's not seemingly random acts of destruction from too many CGI-rendered blockbusters we've seen lately, either.  This is mass carnage with attitude and intellect behind it.  And it is positivalutely gorgeous to behold on a big screen!

I loved Ramin Djawadi's score: it sets and maintains the perfect tempo for Pacific Rim's high-caliber action as well as its quieter, more human moments.  Djawadi has made quite a name for himself in the past few years, between projects like Iron Man and his current work on HBO's Game of Thrones.  I haven't gone looking for the soundtrack yet but rest assured, I shall be soon.

Pacific Rim didn't just reach my expectations.  It raised its claws up, grabbed them and pummeled them into the ground while blowing my eyedrums and earballs with mind-blowing spectacle and shock.  Guillermo del Toro and his team have produced an amazing piece of work with Pacific Rim.  It may not have pioneered the kaiju genre, but it certainly is the first modern movie to tackle it with honor, with dignity, and with heart.  It wouldn't surprise me if this winds up the highest-grossing film of 2013's summer season.

Pacific Rim gets the craziest biggest recommendation that I can think of giving a movie!  Go see it and go see it big!  And don't be afraid to let loose and cheer on the Jaegers, whichever one you find yourself liking the most.  There sure was a bunch of applause for them from the audience I was sitting in last night!

Oh yeah: do NOT get up to leave after the final scene of the movie.  Let those neat 3D depictions of the Jaegers and the Kaiju roll while Djawadi's theme plays, waiting for the "Pacific Rim" title to show.  Then see what happens next.  Trust me: it's worth sticking around for.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Guillermo del Toro is directing a big-budget adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS!

But that's not all: in addition to being directed by del Toro, At The Mountains of Madness is also being produced by James Cameron!

And... wait for it (like anyone wouldn't be expecting it these days)... it's going to be shot in 3-D!

Mash down here to read more about the news that will send waves of joygasm across legions of geeks throughout the world.

Lovecraft's classic tale of ancient horror in the Antarctic, brought to the screen by the director of Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth, with the pioneer of the most groundbreaking 3-D filmmaking of the modern era on board as producer...

I am totally stoked about this. If it's going to be 3-D it might as well be done right and if it's going to be anything at all to do with H.P. Lovecraft well, I can think of nobody better to helm this than Guillermo del Toro.

And let's face it: there are some movies which should be made in 3-D.

And then there are some movies which should not be made in 3-D. And possibly even not made at all...

Truly, Yogi Bear in 3-D is this week's sign that the Apocalypse is upon us.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

THE HOBBIT will be THREE movies... and in 3-D!?

Is it 1998 again? 'Cuz I'm getting the same feeling now that I did when word first broke all those many moons ago that Peter Jackson would be making a film trilogy of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.

Well, ever since the third and final installment The Return of the King came out more than a half-decade ago, there've been whispers on the wind about Jackson adapting The Hobbit as well, as a prequel film. And for those of us who've been paying attention, it's been a very crazy ride toward no assurance that this would be happening at all (conflicts with the Tolkien estate, Jackson's dispute with New Line, etc.)... which makes me hope all the more that it's gonna go down this way.

GeekTyrant reported last week that The Hobbit will be THREE movies, with Guillermo del Toro directing the first two chapters and Peter Jackson helming the third. In and of itself that's hella kewl... though I have to wonder how there could possibly be enough material from The Hobbit novel to justify three films (and it might be stretching it too much across two, but in Jackson and del Toro will I trust).

And now GeekTyrant is also passing along word that all three movies will be shot in stereoscopic 3-D.


Smaug the Dragon. In 3-D.

That fries my retinas just thinking about how utterly insanely overwhelmingly spectacular that might be.If the report is true, dare we also hope for IMAX?

(Nah, that would be way too much more crazy eye candy than we possibly deserve.)

Throw in Howard Shore returning to score this, and this might be the definitive movie trilogy of the next decade, just as The Lord of the Rings has been for this one. Now all we need is for Peter Jackson to do a six-film movie adaptation of The Silmarillion and the trifecta will be complete! :-)

Monday, January 28, 2008

Guillermo del Toro to helm THE HOBBIT?

It's being reported this morning in industry trades (and I first heard about it from Ain't It Cool News) that Guillermo del Toro is the likely choice to direct the upcoming film duology of J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. The series is already being produced by Peter Jackson, as a prequel to Jackson's earlier mega-successful The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy.

I'll admit some disappointment here, because I was sure that del Toro was also in the running to direct Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (which is also said to be a two-part production). But that aside: del Toro is a superb choice to bring The Hobbit to life on the big screen. I'm a huge fan of his Hellboy movie (and am looking forward to seeing Hellboy 2: The Golden Army) and I thought that Pan's Labyrinth, although I didn't quite "get" it, I still gotta love del Toro's signature visual style. Now imagine that same imagination getting to work on Mirkwood Forest, the spiders' lair, the elves' hall, Esgaroth on the Long Lake, the Lonely Mountain, the Battle of Five Armies... and of course, Smaug (maybe he'll be voiced by Ron Perlman? :-P).

If this story is true, then I am really, really looking forward to seeing The Hobbit when it comes to theaters. Especially with Lisa, since this is one of her favorite books :-)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

HELLRAISER remake coming and the HELLBOY II site launches

This is gonna be one heckuva post about upcoming movies :-P

A remake of Hellraiser is in the works, according to this story at the Hollywood Reporter. Two French filmmakers will be writing and directing it, supposedly with the full blessing of Clive Barker: the creator and director of the first Hellraiser movie.

Hmmmm... what to make of this? I though that the Hellraiser movies had a great first two installments. There was tons of potential for development and exploration. And then the series tried to become too much like every other horror movie franchise that existed at the time. They tried to turn Pinhead into another "slasher" like Freddy or Jason, when Pinhead was something much more than that.

Personally, I'd like to see a "relaunch" for the Hellraiser franchise like what Superman Returns did, acknowledging the first two movies at least and then for Barker and crew to redevelop Hellraiser along the lines of the 1990s Epic comics... which were really cool! Hellraiser: Bloodline evoked some of that sense of broad mythology. With a bigger budget (among other things), that would be a great direction to take this series into.

And on the more heroic side of cinema, the website for Hellboy II: The Golden Army has just opened in the past few days. I loved the first movie and Guillermo del Toro has become one of my favorite filmmakers. Can't wait to see this one when it comes out next year :-)