Is this a trend? If it is then I hope it's a growing one!
In the past few months I've found a number of young ladies - these are girls under twelve - who are not only gun enthusiasts but are also very adept with firearms. In every way pertaining to guns, from responsible gun handling to describing various ammo, each of these girls possesses more knowledge and expertise with firearms than most adults.
Here are a couple of examples. And as you can tell, these ladies also command extremely authoritative and articulate voices. No doubt a result of the confidence that they have gained from their gun ownership and use.
This first young woman, I discovered on Facebook from the ads for her father's VERY clever invention StopBox (note: I do not own a StopBox, but I do think it's pretty cool). Meet Emma Ervin, from the state of Washington. Current age: ten. Emma has been owning and using guns for most of her life. When she was seven she saved her allowance up to buy her first rifle. She has since gone on to be a much admired and respected competitive shooter. Emma is well versed in pistols (she currently packs a Glock as her gun of choice), rifles, carbines... pretty much anything short of a bazooka. Emma has a page devoted to her life and shooting career at the official StopBox site and her dad maintains an Instagram page with more videos of Emma in action.Wait, did we say videos? Here is one of Emma, circa 7-8, explaining the four rules of handling guns safely:
Thank you for being you Emma!
Autumn, when the zombie apocalypse happens, I want to be wherever you and your family are.
And to the families of Emma and Autumn and every other young girl being taught to use firearms respectfully and responsibly: this blogger salutes you. You aren't only showing your little ladies how to protect themselves, their loved ones, and their property. You are raising them up to have confidence and consideration. These girls are going to go far in life, and their parents have every right to be supremely proud of them.
Y'all know of any other girls with guns? E-mail me at and I'll post about them too!