DAMN if this ain't one of the best things done for television in a
long time!
I've been watching it since the first part a few weeks ago and have become absolutely hooked! John Adams is based on David McCullough's biography of the second President of the United States, played in the series by Paul Giamatti. Part 1 began the story on the night of the Boston Massacre in 1763, and followed Adams as he successfully defended the British soldiers involved in the incident. During the ensuing weeks we have watched Adams' involvement with the Continental Congress, the increasing tensions between the colonists and Britain, the trip that Adams and Benjamin Franklin made to Europe, and tonight's chapter found Adams coming to terms with being the first Vice-President in the new country's history.
It's beautifully played and all exquisitely portrayed. HBO did an amazing job with Rome during the past two seasons and in some ways John Adams is even better. I don't know if there's been a series this epic since Lonesome Dove, or perhaps even The Winds of War. This is the unvarnished birth of America, warts and all (be warned though: the scene in "Part 1: Join or Die" where the British agent gets tarred and feathered literally had me screaming in agonized disbelief). All from the perspective of a man who has perhaps gone unappreciated for the role he played in the creation of this country... until now.
I'm loving every minute of John Adams. But at the same time I'm extremely frustrated while watching this mini-series. Just listening to the way these people talked and more important, their thoughts: these were such an enlightened citizenry. They had drive and passion and they weren't afraid to stand their ground and fight for what they believed in.
And then I think about people of my own era and I have to wonder: what the hell happened to us?
Where is that old, bold blood that flowed through the veins of our forefathers? What happened to that noble race, in spite of whatever flaws that they possessed (something that I'm glad John Adams is not glossing over for sake of a "glorified" American history)?
I think about the America that the Founders strove and sacrificed for, and when I look around me today... well, where is it?
Could we ever have that America again? Not without sacrifice from our own part. And to be honest, I don't know if we have that wondrous balance of will and humility within us any more.
But my landlady in Asheville used to tell me that yes, the "old blood" is still there, waiting for the right time to rise again. I pray she was right. Watching John Adams just makes me yearn for it that much more.
If you've missed it so far, don't get yer powdered wig all in a twist 'cuz John Adams will be coming to DVD on June 10th. It's already on my "must-get" list :-)