Okay, scratch that... 'cuz there's now a new heavyweight champion of the hot pepper scene!
Behold the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion: some peppers of which have been found to be TWO MILLION Scoville Heat Units!
(I am already determined to find some of this stuff. No I'm not suicidal...)
New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute performed quantitative analysis of a variety of superhot peppers from around the globe. How powerful is the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion?
During harvesting, senior research specialist Danise Coon said she and the two students who were picking the peppers went through about four pairs of latex gloves.Read more about this potent pepper here. I'll no doubt be purchasing some seeds in the near future. Expect some YouTube'd hilarity to ensue shortly afterward (much to my girlfriend's chagrin :-)"The capsaicin kept penetrating the latex and soaking into the skin on our hands. That has never happened to me before," she said.