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Showing posts with label hot stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hot stuff. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion: World's newest HOTTEST chili pepper!

I tried growing some Bhut Jolokia several months ago, but it never sprouted the peppers. I wound up giving up. At the time it was the world's hottest chili pepper, clocking in at more than a million scorching Scovilles.

Okay, scratch that... 'cuz there's now a new heavyweight champion of the hot pepper scene!

Behold the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion: some peppers of which have been found to be TWO MILLION Scoville Heat Units!

(I am already determined to find some of this stuff. No I'm not suicidal...)

New Mexico State University's Chile Pepper Institute performed quantitative analysis of a variety of superhot peppers from around the globe. How powerful is the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion?

During harvesting, senior research specialist Danise Coon said she and the two students who were picking the peppers went through about four pairs of latex gloves.

"The capsaicin kept penetrating the latex and soaking into the skin on our hands. That has never happened to me before," she said.

Read more about this potent pepper here. I'll no doubt be purchasing some seeds in the near future. Expect some YouTube'd hilarity to ensue shortly afterward (much to my girlfriend's chagrin :-)

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Indian chili pepper is world's hottest

The bhut jolokia - or "ghost pepper" because one bite of this could send you to an early grave - of northeastern India is now officially the world's hottest chili pepper

A chile's spiciness can be scientifically measured by calculating its content of capsaicin, the chemical that gives a pepper its bite, and counting its Scoville units.

And how hot is the bhut jolokia?

As a way of comparison: Classic Tabasco sauce ranges from 2,500 to 5,000 Scoville units. Your basic jalapeƱo pepper measures anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000. The previous record holder, the Red Savina habanero, was tested at up to 580,000 Scovilles.

The bhut jolokia crushed those contenders, testing at 1,001,304 Scoville units.

Over a million Scoville units?! Geeeeeez...

For a month now I've been trying Dave's Ultimate Insanity sauce on quite a few things, including mixing it with chili and salsa. It's so powerful that the most I've used at any one time is 3 drops of the stuff: any more than that and it's unbearably hot. Well, Dave's Ultimate Insanity has been measured to be, at most, about 250,000 Scoville units. I can't begin to imagine what a million would feel like. But I must admit, I am terribly curious as to how bhut jolokia tastes. Maybe someday I'll get to try it.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

You know those peppers that Papa John's puts in the boxes along with the pizza?

Well, I just ate one.

DAY-UMMMNNN are those things hot!!

If you ever wondered what they tasted like, and had the temptation to try one, brace yourself: they will make your taste buds blister.

I kinda liked it though. Maybe next time I'll ask them to pack a few more of them in along with the pizza.

The hottest pepper on Earth is said to be the Bhut Jolokia, which I've heard is so hot that it'll burn bare human skin on contact. Most companies that sell it have you sign a waiver stating that you understand the danger that comes with handling such a thing.

So of course, I'm hoping to try it for myself someday :-)