And... wait for it (like anyone wouldn't be expecting it these days)... it's going to be shot in 3-D!
Mash down here to read more about the news that will send waves of joygasm across legions of geeks throughout the world.
Lovecraft's classic tale of ancient horror in the Antarctic, brought to the screen by the director of Hellboy and Pan's Labyrinth, with the pioneer of the most groundbreaking 3-D filmmaking of the modern era on board as producer...
I am totally stoked about this. If it's going to be 3-D it might as well be done right and if it's going to be anything at all to do with H.P. Lovecraft well, I can think of nobody better to helm this than Guillermo del Toro.
And let's face it: there are some movies which should be made in 3-D.
And then there are some movies which should not be made in 3-D. And possibly even not made at all...
Truly, Yogi Bear in 3-D is this week's sign that the Apocalypse is upon us.