The government of Iran is really trying to goad us into attacking them this time.
Never mind their nuclear facilities: look at what showed up in an OFFICIAL photo from Iran's government-controlled Mehr News Agency...
You may have to click it to see it depending on what device you're using. But anyhoo: there's Jar Jar Binks, the much-maligned Gungan hippie that Ahmed Best portrayed in the Star Wars prequels, amidst the clouds of exhaust from Iran's ballistic missile test (which is also obviously Photoshop-ped).Iran had better tread carefully. I mean, Osama Bin Laden was found to be cavorting with Sesame Street's Bert shortly after 9/11... and we all know how that turned out for Bin Laden a year ago, aye?
Tip o' the hat to my girlfriend Kristen for passing this along :-)