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Showing posts with label libya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label libya. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Why the hell do we even have embassies in Egypt and Libya?

Civility is a chosen virtue. It cannot be imposed or expected from those who refuse to accept it and its responsibilities.Time to get out of the Mid-East until "countries" like Egypt and Libya learn to behave. Pull EVERYTHING out, including all those billions of dollars of aid they get from us one way or another.If they want to return to barbarism that bad enough, who are we to stop th...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Libyan dictator is dead!

So sayeth various reports this morning... I would spell out his name, but nobody seems to agree on HOW to spell it correctly in English! And my keyboard ain't so hot with Arabic. Me neither...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

If President Obama bombs Libya...

...as there are plenty of indications that he is set to do, then Obama will have accomplished something that I never thought I would ever see.He will have eclipsed George W. Bush as THE WORST PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in my lifetime.Libya is a civil war. And it's never paid to be an outside party that chooses to become embroiled in one of those.Considering that the U.S. is already locked in two OTHER wars - neither one of which has had any...