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Showing posts with label license to wed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label license to wed. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tonight we watched LICENSE TO WED

Although technically it was last night, since I'm writing this past 1 in the morning (am working on a few video projects before hitting the sack), but you know...

Anyways, Lisa had License to Wed sent to us via Netflix, and we spent part of the evening watching it. In spite of the harsh reviews this movie has received, I found it to be hysterically funny... and hitting the mark so far as marriage goes more often than not!

License to Wed has Mandy Moore and John Krasinski as Sadie and Ben: a newly-engaged couple that wants to get married at Sadie's family church. There's just one little obstacle that must be overcome first: Reverent Frank (Robin Williams) refuses to wed anyone until they've taken his "pre-marital counseling" course. Usually this takes three months. But with the church's schedule already booked solid, the only date available anytime soon for a wedding is three weeks away. It's either that or wait another two years. Ben and Sadie have no choice but to spent the next few weeks in a pre-nuptial cram session that involves writing their own vows, sexual abstinence, and some very disturbing robot babies.

License to Wed is the first movie that I've ever seen dealing with the subject of pre-marital counseling. Maybe that's why some people didn't appreciate it much, because I don't know if this is a very common practice (Lisa and I didn't do it) but it's certainly one that I would suggest considering for anyone contemplating taking the vows. Robin Williams as Reverend Frank is a bit creepy but still hilarious, and after a number of more "serious" roles in recent years (Insomnia and One Hour Photo to name a few) it's great to see him return to classic form. The breakout star of License to Wed though is "Choir Boy", played by Josh Flitter. Heck, I could watch a whole movie dedicated to this bizarre kid!

I'd say this is one of the better light comedy "date" movies that I've seen lately. Will especially recommend it for anyone married or seriously contemplating it.