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Showing posts with label mad men. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mad men. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What the...?!?

Sesame Street has spoofed AMC's Mad Men?!?

Considering that once upon a time Sesame Street did a parody of Twin Peaks starring Cookie Monster, can't really say that I'm surprised Children's TelevisionSesame Workshop would also adapt what is currently one of television's hottest shows for pee-wee appreciation :-)

Next month begins Sesame Street's fortieth season. Wonder if they could do a send-up of House or Lost sometime...

Monday, August 10, 2009

Ever watch this show MAD MEN on AMC?

It must be pretty new. I've never seen it before, but they're running a whole bunch of episodes today. I had the teevee on mostly for background noise whilst I work, but keep finding myself turning to watch the show.

Mad Men is uncommonly good. I may have to put the DVDs on my Netflix queue and catch up, or something.